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Billionaire's Baby Mama

Chapter 2 My baby's father.

Word Count: 1028    |    Released on: 21/04/2022


finished writing the note, it was evening al

ght, but I can't just bring myself to her anymore,

the table, before w

of the mansion without any suspicion, I was luck

is was where my childhood begun, where mom and dad lived

t the mansion before finally turning and I walked

m, I just couldn't

ater. I heaved a big sigh again as the breeze blew some few

eezing, I guess the water will be so damn c

houghts were actually dum

to do the worst, until I heard

my head my head to the back and

ink you're doing " She ye

u here? " I

" She said and I hissed inwardly, imagine, I'm here full of regrets, regretting ev

ve life with her crush while I'm t

t tell me you were about to jump down this deep riv

at I'm going through right now! " I snapped as

and she also got in

own guy? " She asked, and I turned t

nd out? " I aske

told me "

turn my face to her a

figure out whom the guy is " She replied and ignited t

sion and almost immediately, mom

ms immediately, kissing my

here were you? " S

alk outside " I replied and I c

iced there were some cops in the livi

call the

, am very sorry for disturbing y

t " They replied as they walked out o

t of sight when Lila

ng off a bridge " She blurted o

" She yelled

oing to, okay?...

e!, You're all I've got, you shouldn't try to ruin that cause of a silly mistak

, I'm

now " Lila said and bowed ligh

g that? " Mom asked, as she brushed

!, guilty of losing my virginity to a random stranger and now am pregnant for him!!, This isn't right, it's not supposed to happen!, It's a shame to our name, a shame to dad's name!!!, Mom, it could ruin your reputation!!!, And I caused thi

ow what my daughter's up to, it's my fault!, I've always tried to be a good mother, I

hom he is.... "


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