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A Sacred Bond

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 1310    |    Released on: 30/04/2022

noticed three unknown males walking in his direction, accompanied by one of th

d went separate ways. Once they were gone, Logan walked towards the femal

, what's up?" S

g up training, so who a

pack; they just got her

e the three men; as he looked on, he felt tha

s telling him, "Never judge anyone on their past." So

said extended out his hand to try to shake theirs, b

nterrupted, "Logan, don't feel bad they made be shy, so we ha

u later," Logan impli

d Beta Mitchell were discussing pack business. His father noticed Logan's expression on his face; h

ame here three days ago, something weird about them, that

ou notice?"

speak to nobody, no one knows their names, and also every time I walk past their house, al

een three days, so you can't expe

open up because we don't know what they went through, and how lon

d never judges people on their past, so we h

good idea Log

ady for your son's mating

that Julian is a nervous wreck,"

uld be hard since they kne


mates; in Julian case, he probably thought never in a million years tha

d Mitche

anyway the women are busy setting up everything; let go get

Eugene and

ed chairs with white satin fabric with black roses. The aisle had a red carpet going down to the front with cherry blossom flowers making a path, and some candles lit up on each side made a trail from the back e

ene saw the door from his house was opening, he responded, "Let us all stand" Once everyone was standing started looking in the direction to see that Simone and her father standing side by side in the archway. Simone was

k and white tux; as they began walking, the sounds of the violins were playing a soft, gentle melody. As they walked, she could not help seeing Julian looking nice in his lovely black and white tux, and the smile he was giving brought chills to her spine. Once they reach the

oin to become one. There are not enough words to express these two young people; I knew them when they were babies. And I watched them grew up along with my son. For me to perform this mating c

e do." "By the power of the moon goddess and your Alpha you two now offic

cheers and clap with joy. They both broke th

baby," Julian sa

where, three vicious wolves had appeared with bright blue eyes that let out loud growls that had everybody standing up and backing in the direc

esponds, "Dad, we have to do somethi

ry to get the women and childre

Logan; Simone stated "You guys,

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