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Word Count: 1593    |    Released on: 30/04/2022

mat was alone in her room thinking about her earlier

he oil business as well as the importation of cars. Her father came from a very poo

had been an orphan right from childhood and he saw hi

er was once involved in politics while her mother was a local trader. Her mother, Adenike buys goods from other n

known as Pa John was murdered in cold blood. Pa

was a Muslim and a resident of

e saw her through her tertiary education till she met Ademola Yusuf who

le Mrs. Ade studied Accountancy at Mashood Polytechnic, Ab

born three

school, reading, and writing poems. With her grandmother being

usinessman like her father. After the incident that changed her life totally, she decided that she w

. She meets with her therapist every week for two years. After two years of cou

d having nightmares and was

she heard the horn of her father's car. Her mother, Mrs. Ibuk

s voice calling to her. She stood up, picked up

looking tired and angry and

, Salamat said, bending d

ear, there is something we need

ded and fol

mum because she felt her father was w

ch opposite her husband's whil

couldn't think of anything that she might have do

use I don't think I can't tolerate this any longer. What is the matter with you, why are you tormenting us? Tell me please,

was her s

t her dad for reassurance and explanation but none

no good and I also know this stupid and foolish attitude

of bad image this girl has brought to this

's hear her out firs

man of

ange attitude of hers. It's high time I gave her a piece of my mind",

ill looking lost. "What is the ma

tell him without our knowledge? I thought we told you to keep it secret till it's time for it to be in the open. Why disrespect us when you know the implications? I wonder what is g

s way. Habib has been my only friend for the past three years so I thought he should know. I am sorry, I did

n my presence? Wumi, don't let me show you the other side of me tonight, or e

not solve the problem at hand." Mr. Ade sto

time. I am human and sometimes I need someone to talk to, to confide in. I have no brother

ike their daughter to talk back at them. She was just li

idal thoughts do cross my mind often but hope kept me going. My thoughts were my only companion but sometimes I yearn for something more. I yearn for a partner who understands my silence and listens to me with attention but I have no one to take that role

er room when her father blocked

ong girl that you have always been and all these will s

ge for the better. Your dad and I love you more than you can ever imagine and we are willing to change for the better. We thought providing you all your needs is enough to make you happy but now

ce her mother. "It's ok, Mr

mummy", she said and kissed her mother on the forehea

e your supplication before sleep

r to his wife

ncess needs us no

and hugged him back. "How do

wife. "The Lord is in control,

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