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King of underworld

Chapter 2 Fatigue

Word Count: 1342    |    Released on: 25/04/2022

to be reborn. and I chat

ot going in. hi loo

my life before I forget. by the way

ke a child and tell me

hat only I possessed and can I tell her that I love her. before I go there an

usband was in hell and paying off what he did. but in another hand she comes in heaven and truly believes that you will go to meet her again. that is why she waits i

ll in love with someone else and get mar

ay gambling on love. where I am looking. I can say she going to win and if you want power then I can give you a special power

on and I have one question wha

but your phone will lock in a space pocket. don't w

magic space a

can you se

it and I can see

animal. and always remain loyal to you. it can speak any language. but this soul

memories. how can I find her? what I suppose to do there. she was

yourself. and how you can find her then my a

fast different types of colours moving with me and a

ed and closed my eyes. so

author and I was a baby so it is i

Lee in short Lee reborn

in his village, people give their child to a sea monster

sacrifice his life for rain. he was a small chil

ite clothes with a wooden

w the sacrifice process is compl

legend there was 40 feet long creature who lives in the sea with drag

ppiness because after few hours when he sacrifices. rain starts to f

:- I a

hen I can't hold my son in my arms? when he first smile in my arms he looks so happy. he deserves every happiness in this world. but tell me why you give him death. he was so cute and weak can't you see he need love not being a doll for sacrifice. what should I do now? Do you have any hear

sacrifice him like that. and stop crying you can't do anyth

back. go I want him back in my arms. don't just

nd I don't want to

family but that was not possible. in another hand, father was so

t bring him back the

ink to take your life. I only have yo

ake a knife and stab herself. her body cov

was shocked. he takes her wife body in his hand and his clothes were also

ill find my son. I will bring him back. please open your eyes. no

he takes off the knife blood from her body start

ing and then he stabs t

illage know about all incidents in the morning bu

with rain. he starts crying and screaming but n

ith a hungry stomach. nobody kn

f the sea can control the weather. only nature itse

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