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The sacrifice

Chapter 2 Grand hills club

Word Count: 2371    |    Released on: 28/04/2022

taken him by surprise or maybe he was angry, she couldn't tell. She feared being rejected by him because she wouldn't know what to do if he did. From the bartender's words, he seems to be th

d. Jake suddenly pulled her by the hand and said, "Let's go" as he led her out of the club. Jade's heart skipped a beat when Jake grabbed her hand and said, "Let's go" those words kept resounding in her head. She lowered her eyes to his hand, holding hers while he gently led her out of the club. She felt like breaking free from his hold, but something kept her in place as she obediently let him lead her out. Jade kept looking at her hand locked in his as different thoughts ran through her mind. Uncertainty pricked every fibre of her being. She was deeply lost in thoughts and had no idea when she walked into the elevator. She could tell they were moving up and her heart rate increased rapidly because she knew what this meant. Jake glanced at her and saw her in a daze. His eyes fell on her red painted lips, which looked full and pillowy. He didn't know if it was the colour of her lipstick or just her lips that made him want to kiss her senseless. He diverted his gaze from them and noticed how her gaze was fixed to their hands. Jade jerked back to reality when the elevator chimed on arrival, and Jake gently pulled her out as they walked towards one of the suite's doors. Jake pulled out a key card which made Jade wonder when he had gotten it...but she couldn't let that bother her. She had to prepare herself both mentally and emotionally for what was about to happen. He keyed in the card and walked into the luxurious suite with his hand still holding hers before finally letting go. Jade would have been super excited had it been another day. She definitely would have taken pictures of this suite if the situation had been a little different. But today was different. Because today nothing mattered. "You should use the bathroom first," Jake told her calmly as he walked to the bedroom. "That won't be necessary", Jade replied in a small voice, still standing on the same spot, while Jake turned to look at her. "Come closer," Jade lifted her gaze to him, and her heart rate skyrocketed when she saw the desire in his eyes. He looked at her like a meal he so wanted to ravish. She had never felt so uncertain in her life as she felt that very moment. She had come here fully prepared, but now, every bit of courage she had mustered up had totally disappeared. She had heard him say 'come closer, but her feet felt rooted to the ground. Her body felt unyielding. Jake could sense her nervousness; a slight frown flashed across his face when he noticed her unwillingness. 'Could it really be her first time? That's strange. Didn't she approach him by herself?' He obviously did not believe her words about paying him with her innocence. Weren't ladies like herself always putting up such acts? Tsk...he has seen enough of her kind. He looked at those set of blue eyes that were looking at him like they were communicating something to him...something he didn't understand. He slowly walked closer as he tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ears. He didn't know what was happening to him, but this lady was messing up his senses. Jake lifted her chin with his thumb and looked at those red lustrous lips, which were very tempting, making him lick his bottom lip hungrily. Jade stood transfixed as her gaze met his. She tried to look away, but the harder she tried, the more she couldn't. Those hazel eyes shined brightly like you could see the world through them. Jake took a step closer and covered the space between them. Jade wanted to take a step back in fright, but something about his eyes kept her in place as he slowly lowered his lips and covered hers. Jade's body stiffened when his lips touched hers. Her body jerked slightly when he slipped his hand around her svelte waist. Jake saw a mess of emotions in her blue eyes. If it had been any other woman, he'd walk her out. But he just wanted to pacify all her wrecking nerves so that he could have her right now. "Shhh", He hushed softly and seductively as he slowly pats her hair, which made Jade's shoulders slouch involuntarily. Jade couldn't make sense of what was happening to her. Jake pulled her closer to

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