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Theresa Raquin

Chapter 10 10

Word Count: 977    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

his lips were becoming pale and chapped. Otherwise, he still maintained his obtuse tranquillity, he looked Camille in the face, and showed hi

id not seem to trouble herself in the least about Laurent. She barely looked at him, rarely exchanged a word with him, treating him w

e, I know her; her face appears cold, but her

to one another, storms of passion and dismay passed beneath the calm flesh of their countenance. And while with Therese, there were outbursts of fury, base ideas, and cruel jeers, with Laurent there

p. They would have liked, mutually, to have carried off strips of their flesh clinging to their fingers. They had naught but this pre

of old Michaud who was plied with questions respecting the strange and sinister adventures with which he must have been connected in the discharge of his former functions. Then Grivet and C

an account of a horrible murder, the details of which h

How many crimes remain undiscovered! How

e are foul creatures like that walking about the str

ed with an a

one, "if they are not arrested it is because no

r to convince Grivet, and Ca

tance. "I should like to believe that the police do their dut

ed this remark a

cannot do what is impossible. There are wretches who have studied crime at Sat

red on the highway. The corpse was found cut in pieces, at the bottom of a ditch. The authorities were never able to lay hands on th

. He fancied the murderer of the wagoner was behind hi

prison for stealing a silver spoon and fork belonging to her master and mistress. Two months afterwards, while a tree was being felled, the knife and f

mphed. Oliv

the magpie in

wered Camille, annoyed to see his chief turned

etch the box, the young man,

owerless, that there are murdere

yes," answered

ral," concl

n the table, looking slightly pale, and with a vague expression in their eyes, listened. At one moment those dark, ardent orbs had met. And small

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