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Fated to the Tangled Love

Chapter 5 The Brightest Girl

Word Count: 2018    |    Released on: 18/11/2021


g dress, a pair of Prada high-heeled shoes, and a pair of pe

t that there was s

turquoise on it and smiled. My father gave it as a g

can see you?" Tiana and I were on video call while I was getting dressed. While I

nds, Tiana. Calm do

te pink lipstick and pouted

d. Let me h

in the mirror and

front camera toward myself. Tiana co

ozen. Was it becau

re you st

les is going to be stupefied by how gorgeous you look ton

l have to take the helicopter," Burton, th

t per usual, Tiana. I have to go. I'm

s and went downs

'll be a sensation at the party toni

that much into attending formal events,

we mak

ing that, Burton stepped on the accelerato

I was at the hotel

evening wind on my arms and face. Fo

y direction. All the attention made me feel a little tense

e." I heaved a sigh of relief

ma. Sorry

princess is

her husband Lawrence a

to see you both. I deeply a

is always the last one to show up an

ad taken notice of me. One of them was a young

t was Charles, and he was staring right back at me. Other than the usual detached l


nce and Christine adopted. Don

ing. She is even more

to whisper am

ing young woman!" Spencer came over with a sm

tended my hand toward th

g by the stage and watching me. He still looked at me with those icy,

sary of the Moore Group tonight, let us first please welcom

d look on his face was gone, and he started giving his speech in a warm tone that I

y tonight. After Charles's speech, they

g around that you and Miss Rita

she was photographed try

e Group had always been in the spotlight, and Rita was an actress whose ca

stine, and Lawrence. They were

nd with that, let me welcome you to tonight's festivities. On behalf of

expected. He had been in the game long eno

band resumed the music, drowning out

began to fill t

over to me and offered me his hand. I beamed as

dies' man back in high school. No amount of gentlemanly demeanor c

his hand and let him tow

ld my hand in the air with the other.

afraid of getting beaten by Charles

ok his head slightly. T

if someone was watching me. I immediately dismissed the feeling. Maybe I

familiar voice suddenly inte

ed Spencer's han

d Charles standing right behind me with that confusing expres

es? I'm just dancing with

me. But he did not say anything. He just turned around and stomped aw

ass of champagne from his tray and downed it in o

in and ruin everyone's fun

worry, Scarlett. Your g

mean the days af

o much for me, and I had to get out to get some fresh air. I took off my choker a

d I appreciated it. I needed some time

spent the last three years to study. But even though Paris would alway

r to return from her business trip. It was now suddenly occurring to me that I had spent t

bumps. I took a deep breath and welcomed the

g me up with a suit jacket. I instantl

andsome face. I met the gaze of the man standing behind me, and the river of

here. You're goin

uncaring man to a concerned one. It was like he had a

er and then turn around and mess with my head? I already said y

ld?" I looked

'm all

message from Tiana. She said that she ha

o move out i


s usually don't go on li

signed the

e where I'm going to work. It'll

You found yourself a job? I c

things for me, the most notable of which was him arranging for me to grow into a woman worthy of his n

e already spoken to their

, Scarl

hing that comes from you any

the suit jacket, bu

re of you? Or would you like me to go inside right now and get

and put the sui

bank card in my hand and th

rough the divorce fo

it because of that French artist? What's his

my eyes on him for a few moments.

d yes to his question, then I gu

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1 Chapter 1 Divorce2 Chapter 2 Meeting3 Chapter 3 Unexpected Visitors4 Chapter 4 A Greedy Man5 Chapter 5 The Brightest Girl6 Chapter 6 A Toothless Tiger7 Chapter 7 I Want To Move Out8 Chapter 8 The Right As A Husband9 Chapter 9 Love Without Knowing10 Chapter 10 Have Dinner Together11 Chapter 11 The Alimony12 Chapter 12 Sleeping In The Same Bed13 Chapter 13 You Don't Really Love Me14 Chapter 14 A Sleepless Night15 Chapter 15 A Kiss16 Chapter 16 Stand Her Up17 Chapter 17 Being Forced To Compromise18 Chapter 18 Have A Fever19 Chapter 19 The Scandal20 Chapter 20 Drinking21 Chapter 21 Fainted22 Chapter 22 Pretend To Be In A Relationship23 Chapter 23 In A Mess24 Chapter 24 Stay Overnight Again25 Chapter 25 I Don't Love Him26 Chapter 26 Wedding Dress27 Chapter 27 Blessing28 Chapter 28 Drunk29 Chapter 29 What Happened Last Night30 Chapter 30 My Price31 Chapter 31 You Are Priceless32 Chapter 32 Act Like A Shrew33 Chapter 33 It's You34 Chapter 34 Applying Ointment35 Chapter 35 Critical Condition Notice36 Chapter 36 Christine Fainted37 Chapter 37 I Won't Sign It38 Chapter 38 Buying Flowers39 Chapter 39 I Don't Hate You40 Chapter 40 Be Splashed With Paint41 Chapter 41 Making Breakfast42 Chapter 42 The Truth43 Chapter 43 Be Spanked44 Chapter 44 The Warm Scene45 Chapter 45 Male Problems46 Chapter 46 Maybe He Doesn't Want To Divorce You47 Chapter 47 The Revelation48 Chapter 48 Photos49 Chapter 49 Cake50 Chapter 50 Getting Sick51 Chapter 51 Out Of Control52 Chapter 52 Dream Or Reality 53 Chapter 53 Vow54 Chapter 54 The Truth55 Chapter 55 Feed Me56 Chapter 56 The Vow57 Chapter 57 Not On Speaking Terms58 Chapter 58 Work Party59 Chapter 59 I'm Sorry60 Chapter 60 Rumors61 Chapter 61 Sugar Daddy62 Chapter 62 Played Tennis63 Chapter 63 Confession64 Chapter 64 Sponsorship65 Chapter 65 Protect66 Chapter 66 Granddaughter-in-law67 Chapter 67 Ambiguous Relationship68 Chapter 68 The Lawsuit69 Chapter 69 Encounter70 Chapter 70 Fallen In Love71 Chapter 71 Pressed Under72 Chapter 72 The News73 Chapter 73 The Diamond74 Chapter 74 Tried On The Wedding Dress75 Chapter 75 The Remark Of Her Number76 Chapter 76 Cut Off77 Chapter 77 Seduction78 Chapter 78 Divorce79 Chapter 79 Charles Was Drunk80 Chapter 80 Unexpected News81 Chapter 81 The Omnipresent Rita82 Chapter 82 Pregnancy83 Chapter 83 Dispute84 Chapter 84 Amnesia85 Chapter 85 Have A Fever86 Chapter 86 Bitterness87 Chapter 87 The Call From Nate88 Chapter 88 Probing89 Chapter 89 Setup90 Chapter 90 Savior91 Chapter 91 Announce92 Chapter 92 Unexpected News93 Chapter 93 Car Accident94 Chapter 94 The Visit95 Chapter 95 Promise96 Chapter 96 The Game Between The Two Sides97 Chapter 97 The Ring98 Chapter 98 A Farce99 Chapter 99 The Questioning Of The Elders100 Chapter 100 Staying Overnight