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Word Count: 1046    |    Released on: 01/05/2022

s the board clean with h

oked at Dora with a

ou really going to let h

ean it, maybe after this she will learn how not to

er eyes right and sticked her tongue out but jus

iffed and turned to looked ba

she should stop or not you

up to the front of the classroom the

ed" she smiled an

n, how about we make this class

ve in mind?" Th

n to her, this new girl that's obviously dum and

e students be

ched her brows before lo

ent math equations, the looser

students starte

and looked a

da cool" he

Audrey cros

afraid" Lisa said

I'm one of the best maths students

re a nerd then

lass burst

n" Audrey said be

, Dora you're saved, Lisa and A

while Audrey scoffed, and

to 7 equations in the

if you solve pass time

t with a book, Lisa smirked

starts now!

ng really fast on their books, ten m

his glasses began marking after makin

ped when she saw

e?" Audr

upposed to be -3.5 but

an accident" Aud

ailed so..." Lisa walked up to

e stretched

ya and Kinsley then at N

n't eat this at the count of one I


oser, she took a piece of chalk and forced

ough" Mr Franco

he rushed straight to the bathroom and began r

up to her sit, she sat down a

dle another bully"

she rolled her just eyes,



hie" Audrey said to the waitress, she

ter drinking the two, she took the othe

h more!!"

ed the cafeteria along wit

king a lot of smo

ing drank toilet water...


eww!!!" Au

ht more and she re

nned her payback

bad let her just wait and watch..

the M A K, she's definitely goin

drink toilet water, that's something I've never do

eteria, hiding his face w

hemistry homework, catch you lat

rought her hands to take more

smoothie for


l Hal


nt she heard her name, sh

?" Sh

orning, if you haven't interfered then I

helping myself not yo

r up courage to defend myself I'll protect you too" Dor

and faced her lock

stening to their conve

e the both of you

nd walked pass him with

expression cha

ight?, Girls" he rolled his e

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