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My choice

Chapter 5 Shay’s response

Word Count: 2010    |    Released on: 03/05/2022


sed to get to the table after he was done, meanwhile, Shay helped his mum by holding her hands and they gently moved to the parlor, Jason was waiting for them already seated on the table, not long, Shay and his mum were out of the room and were now in the parlor, he arranged a sit for his mum served her and took his seat and they started eating, his dad later joined them, after they finished eating, their dad had a little conversation telling them how some changes were to be made at the company, he was hoping the changes might be encouraging, he was afraid since it was Mrs. Kris who announced the work schedule was to be changed. He knew Mrs. Kris was not a nice woman and he feared her changes might be discouraging, Shay had never loved the family and was wondering why his dad was still working for them, but his dad told him life was not only about that. They prayed and they all went to their beds hoping the next morning be a sunny one as Shay did laundry, he washed his clothes, his dad's clothes, his mum's clothes, and including his kid brother's clothes. Jennifer and her mum were still trying to arrange the bed as there was a minor accident in that corner, William who was already sleeping heard the noise coming from their room, woke up and went to see what was going on, on his arrival, he saw as they were struggling with their bed and he helped arranged it, he asked them why they never called for him ever since to come fix it, they answered him saying, he was already sleeping and they never wanted to disturb him, it was done and they all went to bed. Kimberly's parents were not asleep and she struggled to go out, at the gate, the guard asked her to be fast about it, and she agreed. Kim's dad wasn't aware the guard permitted Kim to go out at late hours without his consent, if he had ever come to learn about it, there were gonna be serious consequences. Kimberly went out for clubbing and around 3 am, she was back, the guard gently opened the gate for her, when she climbed upstairs, her parents were still sleeping and immediately went to her room took her shower, and went back to bed, pretending to sleep ever since. It was past 7 am when her dad woke up to do sport around the house, her mum was still sleeping and she was just from covering her eyes since the effects of alcohol were still disturbing her, her mum was now up and getting ready for work, she had just 5 hours of work that day as she was invited for a luxury birthday party, she was down, her maid already made breakfast but she said she wasn't gonna be taking it because she needed to be early at Benedict was up, getting things ready, she knew Mrs. Kris was going to be early that day, so she needed to go clean her office before her arrival, Jennifer seeing as her mum got up so early, promised herself she was going to do everything to ameliorate her life and that of her mother, she promised to change their lifestyle, it wasn't easy seeing her mother wake up early to go work for people who were not even respecting them. Not long, her uncle William was also up and getting ready for work, he never wanted to be late, Benedict was now going out and said goodbye to her daughter and her junior brother. It was past 8 and it was at that time that Kimberly woke up, she quickly took her bath though she was feeling sleepy, she had no choice other than to go to school, because her dad was in the house that day, and she could not remain in the house, so she wore her clothes and waited for her driver to drop her at schoo

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