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Billionaire’s un forsaken love

Chapter 7 Anger!

Word Count: 2060    |    Released on: 03/05/2022

She told Jenny not to tell anybody about what happened in Liam's office because she knew if Jenny parents came to know about this it was gonna be a scandal, "How can Liam b

Jenny, he asked him to get out of his room as he needed to be alone, "Hey bro it hasn't gotten to that, we can sort this out," "We ain't sorting anything, for now I need to be alone so be kind enough to walk out of my room," Liam said as he tried controlling himself. Etanne got out of his room and was ashamed of what he just did to his brother because of money. Mrs. Zheng knew Liam was not really interested in getting married to Jenny, and she knew Liam always took advice from his little brother, so Mrs. Zheng proposed a deal to Etanne. She told him if he could convince Liam in getting married to Jenny, he was gonna own one of her companies in the extreme North, the love for money pushed Etanne into accepting this deal, whereas he wasn't really happy about his big brother getting married to Jenny because she was very rude. Once Etanne got out of Liam room's and was on his way for his, his mother followed him to his room and asked how their discussion went, "mum I'm ashamed of myself, I can't believe I'm about forcing my brother to do something he doesn't desires," Etanne said with a soft voice. "It's not always about been happy in life, it's about what we stand to gain, if Jenny and Liam get married our family stands the chance of partnering with one of the most influential companies which ever existed and you stand a chance of getting a company on your name, so it's a win-win situation, and you gotta help me out okay?" Mrs. Zheng yelled out. "Okay mom, I understand perfectly." Etanne said. Mrs. Zheng was on her way to the salon, she had to go do her hairs so she told him they were gonna see themselves later and she left. "I wonder if my mom really loves me, she says if I do all this for her she's gonna give me the company of sugar in the extreme North, why can't she give me the company in one of the towns, she never loved that company that's why she wanna put it on my name," Etanne mumbled. He was not happy in the way his mom saw him, she always used him to achieve what she wanted. Selma got up and arranged her books for school, she went to the bathroom to go have a bath, while her mom was up and went to warm the remaining food so Selma could eat before leaving for school, done at the bathroom, Selma went into the room to go and get a dress for school in 20 minutes she was out of the room and was on her way to school, she was waiting for her mother to give her the 7$ so she could complete it with the money she had to pay for her textbooks, "Hey mom you are the one I'm waiting for now, I'm done and I need the 7$ so I could be on my way to school," Selma said. "Oh i'm coming, I am in the kitchen warming food So you could eat some before going out." Mei said. "Please forget about that for now, I'm not hungry," Selma said with a fierce face. Mei immediately stopped what she was doing in the kitchen and came to the living room to meet Selma, she held her hands and told her, one day everything was gonna be alright. It was the third day they were gonna have that meal and Selma was tired of that, she needed to have something new to eat but she could not voice it out because she knew the situation in which they found themselves. Mei went into her room and brought out 10$ she gave it to Selma and told her to manage the remaining 3$, then Selma hug her and left for school. Mei seeing the way Selma w

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