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The Luna's Moon

Chapter 5 Shifting

Word Count: 1594    |    Released on: 06/05/2022

ss has gifted you with the same powers your mother was fortunate to have. It's the very reason we needed to send you away. The pack at Lock Greene would have destroyed us

right now. "Amelia. My name is Ava. I am your wolf. Please do not be frightened. I will help you through this." I couldn't answer but just nodded. I finally had my wolf. A whoosh of pain shot through me again and within a few seconds it was gone. I stood myself up and noticed I was a wolf. I had just shifted. Oh my goddess. My wolf was absolutely beautiful with such soft fur and pure white colour. I let out a glee of happiness as I started to run slowly through the forest. Getting a little faster, upping my pace until I was running like a whirlwind. I closed my eyes as I reached a small lake and took a long drink from it. Suddenly I smelt a beautiful smell of chocolate and vanilla. It was so strong but I had no idea where it was coming from. Then I heard the rustle of leaves and twigs breaking. Someone was near me and I panicked because I couldn't see anyone. I didn't know what direction they were coming. Quickly hiding behind a large tree I held my breath watching and waiting for a sign of movement. I was to scared to shift back to my human form and had no clothes anyway so that would have been difficult. I decided to stay in my wolf and run back to the packhouse. That's when I heard someone growl and the words "Mine!" "Mate!" I couldn't believe it. Not only had I shifted but some crazy ass was shouting about me being their mate. "I am not yours and you are not mine. I don't care for who you are just leave and don't come back!" I ran and ran as fast as I could. Whoever the hell that was behind me was pretty quick and clearly didn't have a clue for what leave me alone meant. Either that or they were just tone deaf. I was still extremely fast managing to keep a decent distance between us. The pack house was coming into sight and I was sure I'd lost my stalker but didn't want to risk that. I shifted back to my human form and grabbed my spare clothes quickly I pulling the dress over my head and rushing up the steps to the main door of the packhouse. Tears were streaming down my face and my heart was thumping away in my chest it was a surprise that I had managed to get away do fast. "Whoah what's the rush birthday girl?" An amused voice sounded as I ran right into them. I realised it was my fathers beta's son, Luke. I didn't care that it was him again, I was just relieved to be away from whoever had been chasing me. "Oh my I was so scared someone was after me. I was just having a drink after shifting into my wolf ." Luke's eyes widened in shock and dismay. "You left the packhouse without consulting anyone first?

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