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Pregnant With The Billionaire's Heir

Chapter 2 Episode 2 - I hate him

Word Count: 1011    |    Released on: 10/05/2022


uncomfortably on the bed as I suddenly felt the reflection of the sun

the heat. And angrily, i sat up to behold Alex. He was standing close to his wardrobe and fixing

te after allowing me sleep on the bed yesterday while he

ains? Are you blind or what? Can't you

hy should I care if you are still sleeping?

the comb through his hair and I couldn't ignore the fact that he was indeed handsome. He had a soft baby face, curly hair, pink lip, broad shou

out uttering a word, he walked towa

urned to look at me. Did

downstairs for breakfast." He said. I raised my eyebrows, surp

ust don't want anyone to say that

ows. I should hav

" I ex

to cause trouble for anyone or I won't


won't spare you" I mimicked. " To hell with you an

t angry. I am definitely not going to go down for breakfast with those people, I d

and prepared a hot bath. I poured in some body cleanser and rose flower into the bath tub. Alex mother

loved it's sensation on my skin. I had always taken my bath standing and scooping water fr

ally stepped out. I turned on the music on my pho

wait running to your arms. Oh

had gotten me a smaller wardrobe. His wardrobe looked a bit bigger than

ng for an outfit. Alex had gotten me new clothes and forced me to get rid of al

him, always mak

n, I heard the door cracked open to reveal Alex. Speaking o

before entering a room or a

any room but my room, so I will walk

. Why is he so full of

p to the couch and sat down. I

down? Aren't you su

ke you are chasing

just want you to get the hell out of my

either but mum won't let me leave for work. Sh

time togeth

a dumb question is that? What does c

ey do?. It

me she is planning

an't imagine doin

either" I snapped and

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