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Chapter 2 prologue

Word Count: 3167    |    Released on: 12/05/2022

e year


you with complete honesty that my life was messed up. But I wasn't like those girls who ran aw

t, I was ready to k

hanged high-fives for a stupid joke Daniel made. Arizona's sweltering sun created holes on my back, and burne

on they loved picking on. Yes, I'm a girl, but one thing I hated was people taunting and pushing me around.

to learn to control my anger even thoug

hing because I was never patient when it came to dumbasses like them, "I guess y

alk, considering the fact that you must be weak from the beatings you

g to control my anger at that moment but the rage was too much and it wou

because if I did it wouldn't end well for any of them. But unfortunately, becaus

w that he wouldn't hesitate to kill you," he feigned pity. "There's a reason for it though

iately threw away all my self-control. "Say that again," I gr

eat me?" his annoying laugh

ples I had been holding on the ground and stepped dangerously close to his plump

boss," one of his friends called to hi

said, my tone mocking him,

but little did he know I wasn't the girl he could beat up. I'd bee

ain filled facial expression before letting go of his hand. It's like he didn't get the hint because he charged at me again but this time, I gr


ugh, he threw his right leg up for a kick but I grabbed his leg before it got to my torso, for a bri

fight me but like the chickens they were, they ran away, le

of them grunt in pain, "that's exactly what

for a while. From behind, someone yanked my hair really hard and I let out

d begging him like that, but I couldn't fight him bec

know that?" he yanked my hair har

n were on their feet and laughing at me as my dad dragged

, I made a run for it, but I hadn't quite gotten anywhere when his rough hands came from nowhere and tightened on

when we get home since you've dec

ged me along the streets, his

't need anyone's sympathy because I was no longer a weakling. No one had helped me while I was tortured and disgraced by my dad, so what was the

ng it in the process. I winced in pain as my dad pulled me up wi

up to the dusty doorway and kicked the door open before pushing me in with all the

on my neck, depriving me of oxygen. I dug my finger nails i

right hand from my neck and slapped me right in the cheek, leaving a sting. His hand went back to

she came into my sight, "let go," she cried as she tried to get

lled me into her arms as I tried to control my breath. In. Out. In. Out. When I was finally

own daughter!" she yelled, making me flinch. I had never seen my mom that angry in years, she was a very calm and pea

your daughter not mine." He darted his cold eyes to me, "and you, you've

furiously, "I only defend myself Dad! Anyone who me

ngrily, stepping closer to me and when I didn't respond t

ame wa

was going to say to Dad. I looked directly at her face to see a tear had falle

up and wiped the tear away fr

she smiled

ands clenched into a fist, as always when I was around him. I can't believe I called

d male children not useless females. He would create problem for us and then accuse us for it, most times he'll tel

er at fault, she wasn't the one to give herself male, she would sweat to ge

ole your abuses, you of all people should know Mom can't have males all by herself, you are at fault here. The better it sticks into your dumbass brain,

around the house, not bothering me one bit bec

him not to utter any more word, "

d, pleading for me to keep qui

don't see a father in you. All I see is a beast. I'm not gonna hide in the shadows anymore because I'm not scared of you any

ssly wrenched and yanked my hair, his fingers tangling in my messy waves. "Let go

get dad's hand away from my hair but he pus

How dare he?! I brought my knee up, and kneed him hard in the groin. He s

ried, lifting her up and tak

need to control your t

g out of my ears. I needed to pour my anger out but I wasn't going to do it there or else I'd trash the whole house. With no more words uttered,


dad anyway." punch. "But I'll make sure he pays." I seethed, giving the punch bag another punch

eing a weakling and not being able to stand up for myself. It was here. I learnt defense moves in this very gym and

a male voice, "You really have to take it easy

when I came there and he was in fact the one who thought me some defence mo

le, "well, I can see y

y and I gave him a genuin

tion back to the punch bag and then imagined my dad's fa

I made my way back home, successfully sneaking into my small ro

ape of my dad's hands. There was also a purple spot on my shoulder from where he had hit me wi

able in it, but I gradually felt myself loose to the claws


nd on mine, incessantly tapping me-and I wasn't ready

re enough evidence that nightmares did plague my nights, and it took everything to calm my r

re sleep but a familiar voice p

ap. "Pleas

my vision cleared and I saw mom in front of me, looking worried in the middle o

s it?" I whispered, my eyes trailing down her hands to the luggag

e're leaving," she

d?" I asked and she no

and we have to leave this night because your Dad

," I mutte

small so most of my clothes were kept inside the big bag. I packed everything I needed,

om, careful not to crash into anything as all the lights were turned o

closed the door gently behind her before turning to face me, "I had called my younger brother earlier

ame down the porch steps and walked into the streets with our bags hung on our shoulders. I b

would I be able to escape the painful memor

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