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The Alpha Princess Betrayed Mate

Chapter 8 OO8

Word Count: 1312    |    Released on: 20/05/2022

iful flowers that made her very happy. She happily sat near the peach tree and took out one of the old books that she hadn't finished reading. Princess Haliana loved to read since she was

ss kept her book almost immediately, she looked at him from his head to his toe. Her skin gently tingled as he was closer than before. Her wolf stirred and happiness suddenly sprang up in her. It was exactly like the dream she heard. Right now, a different kind of happiness engulfed her. She couldn't help but move closer to him, she felt the happiness increasing. It was a different type of feeling. She had never felt such happiness before. She had never felt such excitement not even with King Nikolai who was supposed to be her mate. "Your eyes... Why are they grey-black? I have never seen such eyes?" she was staring deeply into his eyes like he was doing. None of them could break the stare. "Y...yes, it jas always been like that. I was born this way." He replied, that he was a little shaken because it was the first time he was talking to the princess personally. "Okay. You look very handsome, your..." she paused because she was about to say 'his beauty was rare' - she didn't want to compliment him too much because she didn't understand her feelings yet. "Can... Can I be friends with you Quentin? I know you're from my kingdom and I think I like you so I would..." "Yes!" Quentin interjected. A beautiful smile adorned his face. The princess smiled as well. She stretched her hand to him. He looked at it with a perplexed expression because her skin was so smooth and clean like butter. He was scared that he would scratch her or even stain her hand. "Shake me, friend..." she raised an eyebrow. Quentin looked at her face. She was so beautiful, he couldn't resist her charm. He gently raised his hand and shook her. She smiled. She was happy. He was happy. They were supposed to be happy together. However, fate fvcked them up. Perhaps, people fvcked them up. * * * Dani opened the door and a lady walked in. The lady was dressed in a really long gown with different cowries and bones around her waist like a form of ornament. Her red hair was packed up. "Dani, why did you call me here?" asked Jolie. "Because I need you to help me. The King brought a woman home, he said she would be his luna. You're my friend Jolie and you're a witch, I need your help. You know how mu

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