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Chapter 2 A call for a journey

Word Count: 4400    |    Released on: 21/05/2022

the fallen and humans, after the death of Azriel an

ed amongst the four solid kingdom

, the kingdom of Medo-Persya who's known for their pride of greatness ruled by king Mammon Sa and the kingdom of Gypet ruled by Shu'ri Rah known for their taste an

t the four Kingdoms in perspectives to

were divided among

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kingdom has one

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supported by th

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kingdom has one




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Kingdoms and with each tribe giving a task at hand to serve the

in kingdom. There, a group of mages been called by the dragon crystal who sought to gain powers over the dragon crystals to control the demons, their leader Zebrokan was drawn to the

fer to rebel against the creator and now that voice

cies of old and new, images been carved in the temple all over, an image that describes a woman

, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: "And upon her for

when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. This was the temple of good and evil, prophecies and vision

o dragon crystals from the Zhou to Jin kingdom, Zebrokan summoned the s

alled Cockatrice to bring destruction upon the kingdom and her people, the knights of Zh

asn't fallen, men had gain the powers of Azriel to defend themselves from

n the morrow, the execution takes place. No one understood why the

witnessed the execution as to set an example for all that will h

lated the kingdom and

ur country, against yo

the holy temple of Asherah

you'll pay f

n, from nowhere he was teleported out of the kingdo

wy area, Zebrokan on his own wandered, about to

heir village to the Arid cave which is ten kilometers away from them. On getting to the arid cave, Amata went into the cave only

rescue. Seeing the child, he looked weak, very weak as

child, and rescued him. Bau d

ith Bau Khan just outside the arid cave. Amata, meanwhile, sat on a

e Hiro Khan, came at full speed punch toward Bau Khan, but Bau Khan blocked it, punc

nd, watched until they

kably great. They both talked for a while before heading back, but along the road side, taking the route of the th

ated, and Hiro asked the waiter to se

ned, thinking they came here for trouble. But not trouble, they came for recruitment of knights, saying that the forms were available and free, also laying down an interesting reward t

ked up to one of the knight and asked that he would love t

im that you can be whatever you want to be, and that the King

n the inn/tavern of the local diner s

oes he thinks the kni

up a sword nor ha

ng even further, saying he'd become a king ruling the entire kingdom of Zhou to Jin someday. They all laughed and ignored his words, but just

Amata stood. Resting her back to the wall, she seemed to be busy wi

face what's out there, no matter the obstacle that he'll always overcome. They ended their discussion as Hiro headed back to his room to prepare for tom

n gates: one outside, leading to the exit and the other silver gate right in the city that led to the heart of the kingdom. Just as he was about to enter, he met a

her new recruits before heading out to the main camp domain. The new recruits marched out

agility and combat skills. The general gave an announcement, leaving the

n assembly line as the captain addressed them, giving t

ngs have divine energy flow through, in and out,

dual, it is the manifestation of our body, spiri

d others not so much. Only few are able to po

with his captain as everyone watched, excited by Hiro's performance, which was still no match for the captain,

pons to test their strength and wit, the new recruits were fina

ver. Just as he was about to give up, he sights an open cave within the snowy area for shelter. His eyes are heavy, he stretches forth his hands as if he's reac

ed by a fire, set by the shadow-like figure to keep him alive. The figure

ice in his head and that he was the

voice in my head"

ers. Zebrokan then a

the samaras. The samaras explains that if Zebrokan can fuse with him

Zebrokan's eyes explode wide open, and completely black as black light bore a hole from the snowy cave i

with the samaras to take their revenge o

ns. There he set an example to what will happen to all the kingdoms of the wo

ng straight to the knight camp domain where it delivered it message th


known to be called Zebrokan, he's on a mission to retrieve all six Dragon Crystals and now he's heading to the Nylobab kingdom.


al Ta

pped on a tree branch, causing the ground to shake as the bird sounds were heard all over the place, there our heroes we

t quickly pulled out an arrow aiming at the sky to cause a bright light, temporarily blinding the giants as they made their way to the other part. Getting to the bridge gap, a female giant

f the knights aimed an arrow to the giant's eye, but he pulled it out, while punching the captain's horse in one

the devastated waste land, hoping they could find survivors, a kn

put his sword there, tying the general's cloak to it as one of his knees was to the ground,

h the Queen, Queen Xara. The Nylobab kingdom were well respected and loyal to the Zhou to J

seen close to Queen Xara. The queen immediately gave the orders to her general. The knights in N

g Jaguar approached of one the Zhou to Jin knights as if it were familiar with her presence. The

o the Royal family; he belongs to my daughte

as the Queen threw a feast in

nights of Zhou to Jin stood guard to watch over the Nylobab kingdom alongside other Nylobab knights. Queen Xara wa

ness ribbon was tied to her left arm, representing the Nylobab kingdom's royal symbol. They talked heart-to-heart, the queen and the knight,

r away from the kingdom. The general and the captain both sensed the dark han, which looked like trouble. The alarm was sounded, and citizens in the kingdom went running to safety. B

my from invading their nation. A few knights stayed in the kingdom for safety of the people, and just then, the three s

to face Zebrokan and his minions on the battlefield. The battle was fought, as both opponen

they battled with him. The battle with Zebrokan was like no other; his pre

word toward Zebrokan but he dodged, and Captain Xia

pulled out the sword, ready to kill the captain. He was stopped by General Vinnie, wh

ntic scorpion-like creature. Both superior leaders stood st

the hand into pieces, effortlessly ending it. Zebrokan knelt, placing his hand on the ground, and chantin

open, were completely black. Both superior knight Leaders charged toward h

ragon's triangle magic in order to bypass it. Placing his hand on the force field, Zebrokan forced it through the ma

up like a portal, then went through it to appear right

n optical illusion of self-duplication but was later counteracted by one of the female

potted Zebrokan from afar. She felt c

stant nullification" to break the drago

ught her way through, the captain, general, and Hiro assisted her; clearing the path for her

throne, her flying Jaguar making an angry face at him. Zebrokan walked to

erestimated you for a while, your judgement and wise decisi

its counterparts. It needed to be far away from the others, but somehow you have gained acces

want?" Queen Xara asked. Zebrokan walked toward her, f

ueen Xara once more to hand over the dragon crystal, but she refused. Zebrokan tried grabbing

powers to battle with the queen; the

the Queen. With rage in Jade's eyes, seeing her mother hurt right in front of her, she rushed toward Zebrokan to attack him. Just as she faced him in an epic battle the flying Jaguar

al in his vest drawing him nearer to its body. He placed his hands over its carcass and re

her helmet. She felt remorse, and burst into tears. Quee

you what you weren't ready for, but when that time comes, you'll understand that it was

ng with Hiro. Out in the battle field, the three tribes of Nylobab kingdom (the Muzaki tribe, the Tanz

l and captain of both superior knights walked in. The general walked towards Jade, who turned to face h

minions gone, leaving behind the royal corpse. T

life. Captain Xiao Kain told her that her people need her and that she should stay by their

dom, the townspeople and everyone in the city, to witness the coronatio

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