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Endless Love.

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 2009    |    Released on: 01/06/2022

a p

eople for whom there is no purpose in life they call it meaningless, while some people in this society who live life as a particular motive. Life sometimes makes us laugh while sometimes makes us awful; sometime

lovely world for all of us to live; in which nature has its beauty which is in form of rad

urite is this dark starry night,

hing …………something that I can't be described in words but can only feel………. it gives me

son on social media. Even when I take a step here, I was writing my blog, but that day, OOO…….. God, I never forget that bus hijack incident…… yes my medical college bus in which, my bes

reed or otherwise, they don't leave alive?any of us. On that da

s so that I don’t hear the sound of firing. I am not a coward, but I don't like war it only creates catastrophe

stopped; ten minutes later a tall man with a height of s

,………All of you are safe now,

relief; each and everyone thanked God, and a

s here. Took their medical test, enlighten them about their health, told them a lot about the importance of m

tomorrow and as per my head doctor's order, I am packing my back…… yes…… I am a very sincere student………. who always follow

ng; Reshma comes into the

once in every three years it's organized and more than thousands of people from different parts o

na visit the fair…….

hat our head doctor already declared that we a

en leave all……… only w

ng a lot and then it becomes very hard to concur them, that we all safe now and allow us to complete a one week’s medical camp. ……………The head doctor took the responsibility of all the students' security on himself and convince to Board of Managem

head doctor’s promise will not be broken and bo

what is that Idea

r twenty minutes at an Eco Point spot for breakfast. We got off the vehicle from the back seat window of the bus and reach the fair up to th

y following your plan, we both of us, were lead into some

.............you can't come with me but…………. Why…….. pleas

(mother)……. she asked me to come home as soon as possible and I

force you to come with me,……… but being my best friend…………. you have some duty towa

…….no……….. I will not

e………… please…. my Reshu

at me with your puppy?eyes...... you

that's now you

sleep on our bed, Reshma slept instantly….but me….I was not able to sleep, as I am so exc


t out of the bus I reached the fair in the evening; When I reached the fair,?I get amazing; the fair is so huge and

tasty food. After calming my hunger, I am about to leave, I meet an elderly person who came into a food corner; he was looking at me as if he knew me and then he says “Hey child,……… how are you?.....how you come here?......I heard you all left in the morning. …… so are you alone came here…….”. Hearing that elderly person; I recall that he?is a?villager, who comes with his family for a medical checkup in our College Medical camp. I got a little anxious and felt tense, lots of thoughts rushed into my mind;?What happens if he knew about me, that how I came here?

ples, some come with their families and somewhere young couples who all were enjoying this fair. Going a little further, I see swings at the fair, I can't control my

ys and sweets, a magician calling eager children. A Fair is like a gathering of people for certain entertainment or commercial activities; children and their parent

I didn't notice that I bumped into a wall

ba.....ck…” a screech

iris in an upward direction, It’s not a wall but a tall, strong, and tough-looking, muscular built man wearing ripped grey cour jeans, a black t-shirt, and over it a light green high neck bomber jacket. Without a blink, he

his hands toward me like he wants to help me to get stand up. Seeing his gesture of help, I relented and slowly taken out my

's Boo


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