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Apocalypse: Chasing Dawn

Chapter 8 Internal Conflict

Word Count: 1455    |    Released on: 07/06/2022

alarm and wanted to eat the people running in front of it. It seems that the spider's ma

der's silk, before he could do anything, he was pulled back by the spider. He fell hard to the gro

to him, immediately rushed

nds. When the spider discovers its prey is trapped, it gets angry, adding more p

cared an

d, overpowering his vo

is teammates standing not fa

stract the spider. As long as Vincent le

ets at the spider to buy time. The rest quickly approached

." Vincent relaxed slightly wh

who shot it. The fact that it rushed in the opposite direction caused the thread from the mout

to untie the spider webs tied to the other's legs,

e spider almost went mad from the injury. A disgusting gree

ith resentm

sed after the person who shot it. Without the help of his teammates

rced by a spider's leg. Mutant claws are as

ickling out from the wound and the corner of his mouth. The water from the f

s name, but Sam didn't ha

ed the lifeless body of the young man aloft and swung its leg once, sending th

" Someone's muffl

turned her head and saw this scene. The extreme fear welled up in th

scene in front of him, he closed his eyes and sho

He shouted

his leg due to the spider's strong pull. Vincent and the other

y and begins to search for the next victim. It followed

into the research room, waiting at the control panel. As soon as Vincent and the others ran in, Sun

avoid it. Fortunately, this blood, besides the st

citement happened so quickly. Not only her

r panting, their faces still f

one step ahead." The person lying next to

ide, the shrill screams of the spider were still echoing. It used a

om. But the animal refused to give up, constantly knocking on the door

his life with it to avenge his teammates. He rushed to Sunny and shook the

d out her hand to push the man but couldn't. The dif


e, and shouted: "Tim, come to your senses. Sam is

hes, a bitter smile appeared on his lips: "Captain, w

us here. And so are the monsters out there, made by you."

e girl, after hearing those cruel ac

t that she risked giving up the opportunity to return to K

yes glittering with tears: "No, it's not

maybe Tim was right. She should have stopped them at the air

pain gradually fell. She was torme

uddenly called out

full blow from Vincent, Tim could not dodge

e up to dissuade, but when they saw V

hem through danger many times. Honestly, if it wasn't for Sunny to le

the first to volunteer to participate. After all, what did you join for?? To get the credit or dream that the mission will

learly, exposing the cruel trut

ently said nothing. He didn't know how to respond to Vinc

e. Only Sunny was left quietly crying, Vincent

job." Vincent comforts Sunny, but his

unny heard a familiar voic

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