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Word Count: 2329    |    Released on: 30/05/2022

aist, cut the two other demon's heads with his swor

r eyes scattered away from seeing it further. Not because they were sick of th

answer to my son's disappearance!

de, making the blood on his blade splatter to the dark floor beside him.

sterostes. He wore an all-black long breaker cardigan on him. Like

who he was. As for his appearance, he just looks like a human in

ert approached him slow

make Silvert tremble but he can't show his fear t

t's braveness to approach their angry king. Not like them who didn't dare to confront t

helping hand from a demon, my liege," Silvert tol

aura was released by him. Al

Your Majesty!" They

oyed again. Nekruis did this once before because a human spits his blood on him. He

nking back, it wasn't the first betrayal from thei

did they t

ert swa

trackers through a dimensional portal be

ly into Nekruis's eyes. He had fear toward Nekruis b

d feel the chills when they were close by. He knows Nekruis won't take that as

d he was one of the demo

ich ki

one kingdom, Eskimos that allows betrayal of our race to live in. Prince Zeliker should be in

stutter when he explained since it

I want Eskimos Kingdom to

wait, You

or their king to stop when he had already given a command

p me, Silvert?!" Nekr

blindly attack them. And, even if I'm right that Eskimos took the prince, I am still not sure if he was still there or not. I

they attack blindly. They will lose more soldiers and even give room

o the floor and walked to his throne. He sits on it as he crosses his leg while his eyes return to

can bring my son home, will be rewarded," he or

the prince first? Losing him will end your bloodline," Silvert reminds th

ping Nekruis' command.

want to die

smirk. "What I'm waiting for is not the return

ajesty mean...?" Eve

ht know what Nekruis means. Zelike

d on the prince. From that moment on, Zeliker won't participate in any wa

ard I give to the one who can bring my

tifled when t

ars it. It also means nothing can hurt or damage the holders. It was a rare item that

devil destruction. Nobody knows who created it in the first p

would kill themselves to possess it. Despite that,

," Nekruis then disap

found Eleise and also whether the king possess it or did he lie a

the hand of our king," Gaiana teased as they

can be trusted by our king th

t this topic before and ended u

ll happe

annoyed with th

lowing me? I already

er to run away or jump t

ryone wonders why Your Majesty hasn't killed you yet. Not to mention, you are very annoying too. But I'll give you c

you are complimentin

Gaiana's hand

o do. I won't be ho

ind Prince Zeliker and have all the reward for you

m! I'm going to find him and keep

e an absolute vow. He was angry

him, just bring him home. Why the n


o the wall beside them with furious glowing

from you, I'll kill you. Anyone who dares to say ill about him, I'll make sure they don't see anothe

are so much about?!" Gaiana s

ver alright

ful sunrise coming from the window room he was in. He already awoke for

ed. The white bed he was laying down on was soft and fluff

much, that means I've been unconscio

t with black trousers. It seems someone has p

ow n

a table, a chair, a closet and a bed. The room was also quit

ing on his neck and mov

though he can't see it clearly,

stupid thing on me? Don't they know it

er was s

demon royal? If it does... That's great!"

umans are becoming clever day by day. But, w

hat he thought. Putting him into bec

ot even care abou

he brushed off thinking about Nekruis and his home

and looked outside through the window. His eyes widened a

jumped out of the room and approached a single sunflower. He sniffed t

... It's a sunflow

d to the ground. He was stunned but didn't dare come closer. He watches Zeliker from afar

genuinely too. Does h

? Huh?

e Zeliker eating one of


ng the sunflower in his mouth. He looked at Gizelis with

is prey in front of his house, the one seen beyond Zeliker's portal

t seems to me yo

a comatose state for almost a week

make him weak at all. If he's not mistaken, demon

er in the first week. This shows how fearsom

plate he took from his kitchen and han

to restrict his movement, he can do whatever he wants. It's just that he

er might still hate him fo

uld it be that you have t

y to answer but instea

ook like

looking at Zelike


er glare

A demon prince is turning into a cute little black ra

rolled his


eople thought of him. A momen

etting me live?"

laughing and smil

ould he answer

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