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Chapter 2 Billionaire's mate

Word Count: 2029    |    Released on: 31/05/2022

o unfair to her she is not afraid of death because what she has been through is more like death

daughter can'

life so un

trying to be in a bright mood there is no need to be sober the did have been done all she have to d

he apple juice to her his eyes traveling all over her bod

is how it is here during the weekend but today she is not in a good mood after she received the doctor's report

ee you do is just to work. work work work until no life is left in you he doesn't care about your mood or

d that people have started reducing it late already and any moment from now she will be closing for work. N

ay who will look after her little daughter that's the only reason why she is sad left to her she prefers to just die and leave this painf


e girl is too youn

ing her jerk up from the table she turned ar

now?" She mumble

he past minutes you were too deaf to answer me" Mr. Blake yelled at her his wicked glare p

thing that came out of her m

are the one to lock the restaurant today o

estaurant turn my turn and today is her turn which means she will be closi

ong glare while the other girls followed him. Clara looked around the restaurant

staurant her face squeezed in a frown as she watch him why, why would another custome

staurant wasn't bright enough but she could tell that he is a freaky rich guy judging from the look

nd a jolter as she tries hard not to show

een a man this perfect and good-looking before although they are some dark circles under

ng time just then she noticed that his eyes were also on her she can't deny the fact that he

ower lips before taking a few steps closer to him right now she feel all

on her face standing before the man that made her lo

a smile if it is not genu

genuine or not. According to Mr. Blake saying always make sure you smile whe

d just like me," he said in that calm voice of his as his cold eyes glued to her body.

sad look on her face which she covered with a fake smile. No one has noticed that deep inside her she is dying. No one had noticed th

fake also" he whispered as his

ow she is all flushed and happy but she was quick to get her sense back she shouldn't be blushing like a teenage

ets back to business her fake

nlike other girls whenever they see him they all go crazy and worship him like a God but this woman before him is different even af

ork here?"

ly what a dumb question if she isn't working here

for today," she said her voice sounding impat

you 5000 dollars speci

roper look at him and the expensive suits he was putting on judging him by his dress she realized that he is

at Clara's shocked face "Is the money too small? f

ut no word was formed how could he offer

I don't ne

eds to take anything that will get his mind off her since the time he caught Ella cheating on him he hasn't been himself th

ow could she, how could she cheat on him with another guy? the moment he saw her with that guy his heart rate f

hought she has come back for real he never knew that she just needed him to bo

the pain to go and the best way to do t

book her eyes landed on him and she realized that his eyes were star

ecting to see lust and desire on his face but the only expression his handsome face held was just a harmless smil

ill attracted to men although they do ask her out including her boss but now she is sad even after he stares at her boobs for almost five

w a total stranger thinks of her either

you needed" Clara blurte

he missed a step causing her to almost fall but before

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