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Transcendence. Torments of Nate Deon


Word Count: 3433    |    Released on: 31/05/2022

ll setting in t

ce-what would have probably taken an average person half a


is place is famili

ding, a breeze spins around me when it

ll and run-down. The tallest, way back, being the one at the end


. Thump... K

makeshift stone street; hammer pounding on anvil and

ough for some stalls to be set u

here: weapon smith, fruit stand, cloth sho

the fruit stall browsing the frui

bout th

as it? It's green like that of a watermelon and the size of a head and called Spine fruit or Hikacae. Another which lo

e that resembled pineapple had a large orange crown and the fruit, reddish-bro

lack of proper nutrients had taken effect on them, some had a change in their phys

w others I know and heard of but haven't eaten in the times before, I think-I haven't cared to try any of the fruits in this era because well... you'll know-were the dragon nut-drag

icked up on a few t

s on

ly grabs the Hikacae

t is


e ever seen it befor

ur and has a nice fruity flavo

ch for

wo silv

ment of contemplation the man that had a wrapping around his h

total of eight

owsing the other

I add-on the street which is made with the broken

he shops hav

g around, most

les, elves, dwarfs and others, some in "normal clothing" and a few others

ook alike t

sn't as it

known to have not existed, came out in the hordes to claim this new earth as their own and they plagued the remaining of h

f decades back, but there still is prej

the war among themselves was pointless, aside from other reasons, but ev

of traits from both races, from clearly visible, less visible and hidden traits being

-like races. They include reptilians, cat people, dog people and others. To me it rather seems like evolution had taken place and made them what they are... Evolution? Why blurt out a word I'm unfamiliar with. W

have human parts but from 'back then' they were said to be born through curses or when humans and those

r monster people-as they look human with animal or

tlike abilities and such in the time of old-if that even existed anymore

are also called demi demons, as some of them were said begun as spawns from demons and creatures a

ted isn'

re said to have originated from the deepest bowels of hell, brainless and all they aim is to just devour everythin

of the phrase '

ight. So to clarify they were not like those ravenous creatures, they insisted they be called 'Monster people' in lieu of wha

adding 'people' to what you are

also lost others at the hand of an event similar to what happened here, so a lot of them ha

way, similar, after all if it were to be in the past they all would have been cla

ns, Orcs, Troll or whatever, they're all the same in my eyes, they do not

this new world. Even weirder

so resembled that of reptilians. Others, just plain horrifying. Since I have no clue on what category they belong to, it would be best to classify them

are h

begging for aid. I see them, bullied and

y sense any weakness in you, you will be no different than the sand

on the lower lobes; tougher muscle tone than that of humans and two canine teeth protruding out of their lower jaw. The males in particular have hard intimidating faces and are built like average men or tougher and a tad l

rse for my own

te h

know, for... I was once one of them. They felt they were too weak to stan

populace cowers in fear. How demeaning for a self proclaimed stronger, superior race. That said it's not as if I truly feel emotions, so, me even wording it means nothing. And not forgetting the fact; the p

those 'beings'-a demon- overlappi

ned during the event but what ever happen

her beings existed besides them. These demons and monsters would have probably been in hi

demons. So all the existing races came to a compromise just to end the pla

that of a fictitious world; like one from a book if you considered the races of

eal world where not all of those things applied. It was vile and brutal for all races ali

ing my way. Among


ns and monsters I came across. Taking one glance at me they conclud


he doing

o young to

place for a

the crowd as I make

ssigned target, to eradicate monsters... and demons. On that note Demon hunters are tho

to these people, demon hunters tend

slash job: demon

emon hunters. Their reputation

to take down innocent people if they had any suspicion about them. Their rarity is not only because the job itself is dangerous but due to the immense strength they posse

ounty hunters, mercenaries? If they harmed normal people like the way these bounty hunters do then I see no

y mission. Killing them only happens out of necessity. And so it is for mon


e back what belongs to me; my s


ing, words come out but I have no recollection of their meaning; familiar things, things I might have known in

the races on our new world and the harsh truth of being asleep almost a hundred and fifty years. By accounts, there seem to be less of them tha

o more than a sixteen year old kid,

but it's a given that there might places that h

t it's something I care about. So for now I will continue to assume that I only know just a little of this new earth, explored jus

o find information, f



ith the image of the face o

es out in a di

mething so eerie about i


tronger. I must hurry, if not I do

nger than I can recall. Maybe it was the result o

ndwritten wooden posts and

where I

he middle of the town whe

BoC Ala

ODGE: all rac

arket served as homes, inns and st


mally a den filled with gossips and heathe

for the entran

ears, but before I could turn


ating of a he

t of a song. Sweet and m

t looked four, holding on to my right leg in

with a thin rope for belt. I can tell the dress w

ir was frizzy and

hadn't bathe in weeks-yea, water was scarce. Not only that, but ju

n it, but... all my instincts are running wild telling me she isn't like o

sed to house my soul, glistening as she tried to tell me what she wanted with her

utiful they are I

tare. Her eyes tell no story, just almost

te personality, an ego, capable of thinking on its own. At first I thought it was my conscience-a silly, childis

n hunger arises, trying to take control of my body as well. I always ignored

ly, she want

y leg into my body, gives me the conclusion I

t go pip

he whi

her voice should have made me q

id le

lding her hands, fingers interlocked, to her

her and sh

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