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Upir : The mother vampire

Chapter 6 The sacrifice

Word Count: 1608    |    Released on: 01/06/2022

orried and kicked open the door. Perhaps it would just have been easier for

something was wrong. Some of her furniture was sc

f was nowher

round the hou

any success, Evan noticed that the

le had merely kicked the door and made a hole in it .It meant that the person was not human since humans

nce their claw marks would show on

ugh strength to do such.But which vampire

at they were almost completely strangers and

p body out of the car whil

directions right?"

be too far from he

a line of trees behind which th

enneth would be abl

inding through the trees with

clearing in the h

out from behind a tree which

e spread out on a red

idnap the vampire." Kenneth sneere

this quickly

who was beginning to st

t was not a good idea to get

here and surrounded Lucy , Nel

at Nella. He was standing outside the ring a

la shouted back, "s

lled, tears brim

d at Agnes

and turned her back to

ting and Agnes screamed,

es shouted, trying t

and still stood with

called, "I forg

ur place?" K

ed anxiously, "I need you

ne last look a

trees and was soon

roofs when he was sure he would not be spotted and

to Nella's house. Since he was in a hurry, Kenneth kicked

was Nella's bleeding bo

rown stronger . Agnes did not have the strength to shout an


behold Father John sta

rew wide w

dead!" She sa

he doctors have broken the news about Father John's death to t

said quietly, rea

zard smiled, "but yo

as lifted up in the air and thr

she found that she was

ehi said, walking towards the two vampires on the

d at Agnes) and one for U

h cried and rus

hat she had been daggered in

et some water for her. By the time he got back, Nella had

ushed ove

ened Nella

me do it. He said he would murder everyone

lking about?" Kenneth

d made me tell you where we were going to do the ritual so h

u tell me?!" K

,close to tears, "but


a grabbed a book lying on

the ring of fire with Agne

ands and starte

d close to him a

uggled to move but

es and Lucy began to feel very weak

ord and started makin

d, "let it destroy the soul and preserve the body!

d, the cut f

inued his spells, prepari

d that someone was following them. Before she could tell

n standing in front of him wit

es?" He asked

d, trying to walk away, "for now

ocked h

do to her?"

d Evan and slammed hi

immediately and hel

Nella and held him by the sh

thing bad could happen to both L

shed hi

lieve you!"

ame Kenneth's reply, "I"m a

but a sharp pain in his head

ehind him, twisting

d probably your life too," she said, "so y

" Evan shouted, hold

e vampires, without so much as a word

lace where the ritual

spell which made them unable to

yelled Agnes' name but it was no u

enneth, and as her eyes met his,the w

iousness and a dark smoke like thing floate

ried to claw at the ba

dy which went limp for a while open

t and pulled out her heart. She

tarted his useless s

fied smile on his face


im, her eyes were now

gnes' blood dripping fro

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