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Dream Of Love (Sequel To Game Of Love)

Chapter 4 Face To Face

Word Count: 1515    |    Released on: 02/06/2022

a college dropout. He isn't serious about anything and isn't worth crushing on," said Sofia wi

already fallen for him, so it's no use warni

top daydreaming about Colton

o Reno right after my exams

down to see you nex

s to Reno. She was unstoppable and would definitely go in a few days. She studied hard and soon her assessme

ted to surprise her. She somehow sensed that her twin didn't want her to come over and meet Colton. Why? She had no idea! He wa

gathering her wits together, she pulled her suitcase and stood in front of the front door. She rang the doorbell and

, is Sofia there?" She asked her. The woman inspected her

call Sofia downstairs. She'll be with you in a m

ushed upstairs and in a few minutes, a da

en her yet. Sofia stood shocked, seeing Victoria right in front of her eye

ee her twin here at her house. Victoria released her and looked hurt. She sensed that something was wrong. Sof

o see me, Sofi?" Sh

at Greta couldn't hear their conversation. Victoria rolled her eyes at her twin

aid Victoria but Sofia knew her too well. Victoria neve

d come along?" Asked S

couldn't wait for them fo

Sofia?" Asked Greta warmly. Sofia sm

The way she takes care of me, she's nothing less

oms downstairs. Sofia followed them inside. After Greta left, Victoria looked around the well-furnished room, it was double the size of

n. Are you sure that you're alright?"

since birth and for the first time had been separated for so long. Therefore they kne

r schedule. They can't leave all the pending

ut I miss all of you

n very harsh on you?" Asked Victoria curi

Sofia but Victoria noticed a strange melancholic look in her eyes. T

to know, "

at the antics of Kara and Melanie when Davion strode into the room straight from work. Victoria noticed his strain

n me already?" Asked Victoria with a

sked her. Victoria blinked, taken aback

rmed him, feeling a little u

up," said Davion, without looking at Sofia even

t was strange since newly married couples usually couldn't stay away from one another. Although Davion married her twin

ied Sofia. Greta came

you," she said warily. Sofia

ia sighed feeling like an outsider who had invaded their privacy. Guiltily, she sat on the bed thin

specimen on earth! The photographs didn't do justice to him. Her head was already swooning at the sight of her crush for whom she had taken so many pains to come here uninvited and unwanted. Her eager eyes checked him out. It seemed as if he had arrived straight from w

y as he felt Victoria's gaze on him, checking him out from head to toe. He was aware of his extreme good looks and he knew how women found him irresistible but there was a sweet

th embarrassment at being caught checking him out. 'What an impression you made, Vicky, at your very first

ened with shock. Was he asking her that at their first encounter? True, s

ed him, her face tur

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