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Contracted Love

Chapter 7 Get out

Word Count: 986    |    Released on: 02/06/2022

. “Um, Is twelve good? If not, It’ll have to be Friday.” I said noticing Thursday was fully booked. Biting my lip, I waited whilst Liam checked his calendar. “12 is perfect. At the office?” He a

” I said. “Okay. I’ll see y

“Ellise,” I asked as soon as she picked

e elevator to add a layer of lipstick. Smiling at my reflection I noticed Liam watching me. “What?” I asked turning around to face him. “Nothing, just most woman do their make-up before leaving the house.” I rolled my eyes. “Of course I did my make-up this morning, it just

g area and we sat down. We then ordered our drinks and settled into a polite conversation. When the waite

learn the little things like pet peeves later. “February the 25th” I nodded

e the 5th.

He’s gay, three y

e the 5th.

Lucinda, Also thr

e’s a l

hat’s B


imistic or


’t the most positive person around but i

ngs, Pessimistic. Life

I noticed he wa

you so negative w

is one too. “Bad experiences.” I said with a shrug. “That

I noticed he wa

you so negative w

t.” he asked after taking

I can’t even really picture getting married.” He didn’t pop up with

About four since then.” He smiled. “I’m not really the serious relation

, why does the compan

Nobody had ever asked it so bluntly and

ghteen though, dad told me he was going to sell it. And that was when I realized, I didn’t expect myself to take it over, I wanted to. Since then, I’ve worked hard for the place. And I love the dedication in a strange way. I

open with anyone about what Williams & Williams meant to me. Not even Dad

tching me intently. His br

open with anyone about what Williams & Williams meant to me. Not even Dad

id pushing my chair back roughly and

red as in I thought he was evil. Scared as though he could see something others

t hoping there was no hidden

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