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Billionaire's Woman

Billionaire's Woman

Author: Ruthelina

Chapter 1 ONE

Word Count: 1113    |    Released on: 02/06/2022

so much, it's all i ever w

hear those words escape your lips, you are the onl


in front of her eyes, she clearly couldn't t

out a sigh of relief when "The En

world did sh

iend Mika asked, moving jet black hair to the


ay, Calista's other

e, I took my two best friends to the cinema to see my favorite movie as a

is harsh."

g out here and I need me some rest" Calis

ay?" Ra

ed from the movie, no offense Mika" Ca

ken. But it was a be

my ass" R

t a love story, you can't just fall in love with someone whi

ve at first sig

Mika" Ray shook his head, his h

n't work that way".

ved or been in a relationship all your life and

sta shook her head about to walk

elationship before but don't take that the wrong w

called love, and even the word love sounds childish. Now for the billion dollar question,

she got a ga

ng Adrian and I

hat shoe, I mean I do want to fall in love but, I am a twenty four year old grade one teacher who lives in a si

grade yoursel

garettes... This is the second ti

rrying cigerattes, I mean n

ever since you got engaged to pretty

m trying to be the perfect

he be the perfe

already perfect

scoffed. "Perfect with a

have mysophobia

n his fancy shoes by acciden

ta added and she and Ray sh

a looked down at her phone before bring

ian. I ha

ave to." Calista

three of us, but sure, enjoy the rest of your Saturda

ad." Ray

uldn't have called

Ray rubbed hi

e before saying, "Anywa

I walk you home?" Ra

a breathed out, jus

see you on Monday, oh shit you're busy. I'll see you any day nature agre

Ray, I'll reac

then." And with a small flash of

ove with Ray, she had known Ray through Mika seven years ago, when Mika introduced hi

y shared the secret with best friend Mika, whom she had known a

ad gotten too comfortable with Ray to the extent that she felt the o

ls crack and silently praying it was not what she was thinking. She breathed out

worn sneaker

or her broken shoe and pu

fter getting a hold of her tongue, she started to walk home with

yes she started to receive from pa



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