A Compilaton on Women
the Writings o
d Tree of Remembrance spea
ne to adorn His handmaide
ritings and Utteran
ays of the Sun of Truth is
d wondrous Dispensation so
kingdom of God will assured
ation the favours of the Glo
ye for ye have arranged
everyone, whether man or wo
ak forth and to deliver spe
To the mothers must be gi
istinctions between indivi
n of superiority by man will
f, is this: that if woman
gs have been revealed in t
will be established in pr
hen to attain greater perfe
tters Written by
n of the Bahá'í women in I
ccorded to Bahá'í women resi
his community, of either s
a Telex Written by the U
ted out that "Among the mi
en in the forefront of the
tivities, the spiritual, in
women is not, at the present
nd national Bahá'í commun
itten on Behalf of the U
egards the need to educate
equality between women a