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Word Count: 2208    |    Released on: 04/06/2022

be grandma's next heir," said an old woma

I don't want to!" Neola

ears old. How can her grandma de

ts and bricks. This was Neola's grandma's home. As for her ho

only that but you're also chosen by this stellar spirit." Neola's

ed in half-human and half-horse with wings on its back. The creature also was holding a bow and

erit the curse that her grandma had experienced when she first gained power. Second, she was afraid to ha

ce, she wanted the chain emblem without the power stored in it of course but that would be

ndma was laughing at her,

n't want to

ter be safe rather than work hard for the spirit in the emblem. So, not wanting to hear her grandma telling

but there was a sma

being like Sagittarius app

ed in ag


med when she arrived a

rents and relatives. In fact, her grandmother looked aw

grandma called weakly to her

tely brought her to si

la!" Neola cried out in tears. Her

r her to do that. She pulled Neola's hand and placed the Sagittari


Her face blossomed with a smile of relief after she saw

ter her grandma died, she was depressed and didn’t leave her roo

bered her. The emblem her grandmother had given her was placed on top of he

sadness, they start to get restless. One day, Neola finally came out of her roo

eated his grandmother's la

wide when the Stellar Spirit Beast of the Sagittarius appeared in front of her. She

..?" She call

with blue, covered in protective plates all over his body, even his four hooves have striking metallic shoes. His hair waved like the

u ready to accept my power and bec

ontemplating and loo

on't have to be afraid of my power." Sa

when she got your power befor

..." Sagittar

s dumbfounded

derstand when you become my user.

Then, I want t

be here and waiting for you." Sagittariu


ips I bought last night?!"

would let out a fire fr

ssing his arms over

ght you gav

gasus' front

l of them?!

egasus lo

at Agi's face closely makes him tempted to do it again. He chided himself sil

el soft like a woman's?

s just about to change to relief but disapp

ip crust? Didn

y. Pegasus, who realised Agi wanted to use a shoulder throw on him, immed


gasus crashed into his body. Pegasus then

Agi shouted while stru

way but their position mak

" Pegasus stuck

me right away, I'll ruin your r

yes immediately snapped wide. He quickly got up and ran to his room. After he opened the door, he was

ight now!" He finally s

o' like the latter said before. Their arguments were so loud, that e

this time?" Virgo sig

fighting once a day, it's n

!" Gemin

destroyed during the war with Revioryx three weeks ago, they lacked essential items such as clothes and bathroom utensils. Thei

tartled when they heard the sou

out a brown mushroom-shaped tool and

at was flashing on the mushroom's head. The

fine! Brother? Good!" Gemini chat

unication device made by Kage. Vir

loser to Gemini now,

the cold and wicked Ceilius got al

efore the war. Ceilius fought with Gemini at that time. Since then, I have sometime

? How come Ceilius thought they were children w

i but Gem and Ini instead. During the battle with Revioryx’s army of monsters, Ceilius was helpin

of his past with children around him before?" Virgo asked since

ark Akron and Dark Fulex twelve years ago. It was not anyone's fault actually. The twins came t

his conversation with Ceilius, also became paralysed wh

der the damaged wall… He was so angry at that time that he immediately killed both of the users instantly. Since then,

iblings stay with him?” Gemini went pa

the battle between us. So, Ceilius too

I saw a new him no

n him then he would try his best to be. Though he was not

s, you

ed when they hea

hat…" Hartina s

gnore…” Virgo an

to their respective rooms which were

e wiped his mouth roughly because Pegasus had kissed him again, then, running away

see you again,

Before this, he was stunned that his head moved faster to capture Agi's lips. It was because A

lly like him? Si

confused him a lot. He then turned away by jumping to another building. As he descended into a smal

can still be felt by him. It happened while he was protecting the portal. A mons

us thought he would be fine after Kairi healed him but the pain still followe

ly. He stood paralysed there while waiting for his pain to subside be

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