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The Last Sky Of The Earth

Chapter 34 [Knight's Scene] Vague Answer

Word Count: 915    |    Released on: 03/07/2022

ncident in which Seiichi was almost kidnapped had reached her. But she also immediately thought that she would giv


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1 Chapter 1 Introduction (Volume 1)2 Chapter 2 Decision3 Chapter 3 Mission4 Chapter 4 Chosen Path5 Chapter 5 My Promise Now6 Chapter 6 Entrust7 Chapter 7 Stringed Bracelet8 Chapter 8 New Life9 Chapter 9 Fortune10 Chapter 10 [Knight's Scene] Lurking Danger11 Chapter 11 Listening12 Chapter 12 Return13 Chapter 13 [Knight's Scene] Contacting14 Chapter 14 [Knight's Scene] Main Resolve15 Chapter 15 Contemplation16 Chapter 16 News She's Waiting17 Chapter 17 [Knight's Scene] Suggestion18 Chapter 18 Death Attempt Pt. 119 Chapter 19 Death Attempt Pt. 220 Chapter 20 [Knight's Scene] Blue Shadow21 Chapter 21 Conversation In Training22 Chapter 22 Shamisen Player23 Chapter 23 [Knight's Scene] Miyamoto Lord24 Chapter 24 [Knight's Scene] Fire Princess25 Chapter 25 Attack26 Chapter 26 Gazes27 Chapter 27 First Meeting28 Chapter 28 [Knight's Scene] Dangerous Flower29 Chapter 29 Ascencion Keys30 Chapter 30 When Fate Decides31 Chapter 31 Tears In The Rain32 Chapter 32 Trouble Ahead33 Chapter 33 [Knight's Scene] Silver Phantom34 Chapter 34 [Knight's Scene] Vague Answer35 Chapter 35 Treasures36 Chapter 36 [Knight's Scene] Scarlet Saber Pt. 137 Chapter 37 [Knight's Scene] Scarlet Saber Pt. 238 Chapter 38 Longing Look39 Chapter 39 [Knight's Scene] Portrait40 Chapter 40 Start Over41 Chapter 41 About Time42 Chapter 42 [Knight's Scene] Former Lovers43 Chapter 43 [Knight's Scene] Task44 Chapter 44 Stand By The Choice45 Chapter 45 [Knight's Scene] Dangerous Reunion Pt. 146 Chapter 46 [Knight's Scene] Dangerous Reunion Pt. 247 Chapter 47 In Danger48 Chapter 48 [Knight's Scene] Conference49 Chapter 49 [Knight's Scene] Secret Room50 Chapter 50 Portrait Of The Tapestries51 Chapter 51 [Knight's Scene] Moon Knights52 Chapter 52 [Knight's Scene] Iris Sword53 Chapter 53 Confusions54 Chapter 54 [Knight's Scene] Two Households