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One wrong step, I lost Olivia and my pregnancy

Chapter 5 Trip To Dover, Kent 1

Word Count: 1256    |    Released on: 07/06/2022




hing a stretcher. They wheeled Olivia with the stretcher into the Intensive Care Unit while Den

one? I have a thin

to open a file for her turned to Denise who

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d up to join the doctor at the Intensive Care Unit.

ise Baile

nding, he took a seat and continued waiting. Before anothe

can we talk i

followed the doctor ob

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and waited for what the doctor

bout two months. She needs some rest. In the next one ho

howed worries, but

you are still young, you can still have

se Bailey's

xecutive Quarters of his company. After one hour of waiting as the doctor advised, he took Olivia home. As

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, John. Ho

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oor, helped Olivia out, and

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her eyes were still weak, and she slept off. Mr. Denise Bailey stood by the bedside and reminisced his meeting with

is pr

by himself, as he would not trust his janitor to do that. At last, he served the food at the dinning table, returned to his room and rested on the couch. After

m on Night Duty today. I wish

edroom only to discover that she was still sleeping soundly, and he

, Dr.

. Bailey.

She had been sleepin

een under acute stress, and antidepr

ight, thank

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h a pen and a notebook. He reminisced his encoun

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n answer, he shrugged his shoulders a

Your food is on the dinning table. In case you need my attention, call my secur

janitor to instruct him on what to do in his absence. When he c


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nise stood patiently and waited for the

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spital. You must not be far away from the house. Whenever she

t it,

d. I will be

work, hoping to get to

noaks -

he university, and maintained her until date. She had the same character with Olivia, and that made the two of them. After she was discharged from the clinic that day, he drove her to the grocery shop and got enough fruit for her before he took her to the hostel. He never asked

napped on he

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Bailey began to cry profusely. His domestic staff members notice

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. He may need so

cked, but there was no response. They looked a

ugh this and do nothing. We

door to Mr. Louis Bailey's roo


security guard s

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1 Chapter 1 Louis, Please Reconsider2 Chapter 2 The Beautiful Beginning3 Chapter 3 The Beautiful Beginning 14 Chapter 4 Trip To Dover, Kent5 Chapter 5 Trip To Dover, Kent 16 Chapter 6 Trip To Dover, Kent 27 Chapter 7 Trip To Dover, Kent 48 Chapter 8 Trip To Dover, Kent 59 Chapter 9 New Love At Dover10 Chapter 10 New Love at Dover 111 Chapter 11 New Love At Dover 212 Chapter 12 New Love At Dover 313 Chapter 13 New Love At Dover 414 Chapter 14 New Love At Dover 515 Chapter 15 New Love At Dover 616 Chapter 16 New Love At Dover 717 Chapter 17 NEW LOVE AT DOVER 818 Chapter 18 NEW LOVE AT DOVER 919 Chapter 19 The Wedding Day20 Chapter 20 The Wedding Day 121 Chapter 21 The Wedding Day 222 Chapter 22 The Wedding Day 323 Chapter 23 The Honeymoon 24 Chapter 24 The search for Mr. Louis Bailey25 Chapter 25 The search for Mr. Louis Bailey 126 Chapter 26 The search for Mr. Louis Bailey 227 Chapter 27 The search for Mr. Louis Bailey 328 Chapter 28 The search for Mr. Louis Bailey 429 Chapter 29 The search for Mr. Louis Bailey 530 Chapter 30 The search for Mr. Louis Bailey 631 Chapter 31 The search for Mr. Louis Bailey 732 Chapter 32 The Bonding33 Chapter 33 The Bonding 134 Chapter 34 The Bonding 235 Chapter 35 The Bonding 336 Chapter 36 The Bonding 437 Chapter 37 The Bonding 538 Chapter 38 The Bonding 639 Chapter 39 OLIVIA IS PREGNANT40 Chapter 40 Olivia Is Pregnant 141 Chapter 41 Olivia Is Pregnant 242 Chapter 42 Olivia Is Pregnant 343 Chapter 43 Prince and Princess Charming 44 Chapter 44 Olivia is pregnant 445 Chapter 45 Olivia is Pregnant 546 Chapter 46 Olivia Is Pregnant 647 Chapter 47 Olivia Is Pregnant 748 Chapter 48 Olivia Is Pregnant 849 Chapter 49 The Attack50 Chapter 50 The Attack 151 Chapter 51 The Attack 252 Chapter 52 The Attack 353 Chapter 53 The Attack 454 Chapter 54 The Attack 555 Chapter 55 The Attack 656 Chapter 56 The Attack 757 Chapter 57 THE LOVE THAT TRIUMPHED58 Chapter 58 THE LOVE THAT TRIUMPHED 159 Chapter 59 THE LOVE THAT TRIUMPHED 260 Chapter 60 The Love That Triumphed 361 Chapter 61 The Love That Triumphed 462 Chapter 62 The Love That Triumphed 563 Chapter 63 The Love That Triumphed 664 Chapter 64 The Love That Triumphed 765 Chapter 65 All Eyes on Mr. Arthur Bailey66 Chapter 66 ALL EYES ON MR. ARTHUR BAILEY 267 Chapter 67 Zoey's Narrow Escape68 Chapter 68 Zoey's Narrow Escape 169 Chapter 69 Nichole's Safety70 Chapter 70 All Eyes on Mr. Arthur Bailey 371 Chapter 71 All Eyes on Mr. Arthur Bailey 472 Chapter 72 All Eyes On Mr. Arthur Bailey 573 Chapter 73 Their Dilemma74 Chapter 74 Their Dilemma 175 Chapter 75 Their Dilemma 276 Chapter 76 Their Dilemma 377 Chapter 77 Their Dilemma 478 Chapter 78 Their Dilemma 579 Chapter 79 Their Dilemma 680 Chapter 80 Their Dilemma 781 Chapter 81 Their Dilemma 882 Chapter 82 Their Dilemma 983 Chapter 83 Stuck In Limbo84 Chapter 84 Daniel De Pianist85 Chapter 85 A Mad Man Is A Relation of Someone86 Chapter 86 Stuck In Limbo 187 Chapter 87 A Mad Man Is Someone's Relation 188 Chapter 88 A Mad Man Is Someone's Relation 289 Chapter 89 Rescued90 Chapter 90 Rescued 191 Chapter 91 Rescued 292 Chapter 92 Rescued 3 93 Chapter 93 Rescued 494 Chapter 94 Rescued 595 Chapter 95 Rescued 696 Chapter 96 Rescued 797 Chapter 97 Rescued 898 Chapter 98 Rescued 999 Chapter 99 Rescued 10100 Chapter 100 Rescued 11