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Alpha's Fallen Princess

Chapter 7 Saved by the Alpha

Word Count: 1123    |    Released on: 08/06/2022

illy found a lighter in the glove compartment and drove towards a river outside the city. She thought of d

eir car was found in Alexandria, he could easily connect the dots and come looking for he

ere cars couldn't reach. It was dangerous to drive that far

fore starting a fire. Standing aside, she watched the car go up in flames until there was nothing left

carried them on her way back to the city and tossed them into the n

She got one to take her towards the small tow

for a pack house. She couldn't find one in the town

in the woods. After thanking her, Lilly proceeded. She was feeling t

hrough the earth. Lilly screamed as she hit the floor of the pit. She screamed louder when her body came into contact with the vervain leaves that were

of blisters the longer she stood there. She tried to stand as straight as possib

she heard voices. As they dre


appeared at the

well. What do

Lilly begged. "I'm

dder," one

dthirsty vamp

ver done it with a vamp before? I would like to

hile Lilly continued to

he youngest looking one asked. He wa

h a baby, Georgie. How can this little th

h a ladder and his c

n, litt

before grabbing the ladder and climbing up. She had barely reached the t

because of the vervain and it wa

. One of the men held her legs while the other, her hands.

d enough of the kidnapping bullshit. Now that she was alone in the

that commotion, she managed to get her fangs on one of the men and he slapped her

ther man said. "I

ight. "Then you tie her up.

l is wrong wi

nto another room and

t, m

o wanted her alive. They started fighting as Lilly focused on breaking the chai

ped by one move of the powerful man's hand. Who i

is face was perfectly symmetrical, the hottest and handsome man she'd ever laid eye

rms in full view. Her mouth went dry as her gaze moved do

red. Lilly felt entranced by the

a vampire t

one tell m

killed when they cross to our te

es say should or

men said as they

n she was looking for? Alpha Neron Black. She g

him to be kind after seeing his tough hands


e hell

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1 Chapter 1 The princess falls2 Chapter 2 Captured by the enemy3 Chapter 3 The enemy's violation4 Chapter 4 Tell the truth5 Chapter 5 Daring to escape6 Chapter 6 The chase7 Chapter 7 Saved by the Alpha8 Chapter 8 Vampires and werewolves9 Chapter 9 The little boy10 Chapter 10 A naked beta11 Chapter 11 Looking for food12 Chapter 12 Stop13 Chapter 13 The Confession14 Chapter 14 Two gorgeous men15 Chapter 15 New16 Chapter 16 No sleep17 Chapter 17 Contract18 Chapter 18 Quick learner19 Chapter 19 Hunting20 Chapter 20 Friends21 Chapter 21 Big black wolf22 Chapter 22 Lie23 Chapter 23 Cherry24 Chapter 24 Gullible25 Chapter 25 Something bad26 Chapter 26 Maria Moreno27 Chapter 27 Angry Alpha28 Chapter 28 The game29 Chapter 29 Get out30 Chapter 30 No pictures31 Chapter 31 Wanted32 Chapter 32 Shock33 Chapter 33 Kiss me34 Chapter 34 Murder 35 Chapter 35 Searching36 Chapter 36 The vampire37 Chapter 37 Saving human38 Chapter 38 Plans39 Chapter 39 Why40 Chapter 40 A sad story41 Chapter 41 Money42 Chapter 42 A lead43 Chapter 43 You can44 Chapter 44 Maybe45 Chapter 45 It’s just a barbecue46 Chapter 46 Lilly ran47 Chapter 47 Fighting48 Chapter 48 Mr. Moreno49 Chapter 49 Welcome to hell50 Chapter 50 You’re a disgusting old man51 Chapter 51 Excited52 Chapter 52 Maria's dilemma53 Chapter 53 I love you54 Chapter 54 May the best man win55 Chapter 55 She knew56 Chapter 56 The upcoming luna57 Chapter 57 The wedding58 Chapter 58 His legs59 Chapter 59 Breaking hearts60 Chapter 60 Moreno61 Chapter 61 Interruption62 Chapter 62 The Vamps63 Chapter 63 Neron Black64 Chapter 64 For Lilly65 Chapter 65 Fighting vampires66 Chapter 66 The brothers67 Chapter 67 The motel68 Chapter 68 Darkness69 Chapter 69 A hand70 Chapter 70 Jacob71 Chapter 71 Enders’ POV72 Chapter 72 It’s too risky73 Chapter 73 Stalker74 Chapter 74 Respect75 Chapter 75 A message76 Chapter 76 Running77 Chapter 77 Enders78 Chapter 78 The groom79 Chapter 79 The meeting80 Chapter 80 The dictator81 Chapter 81 Blanca's help82 Chapter 82 The barn 83 Chapter 83 Enders gives in84 Chapter 84 Good news85 Chapter 85 Familiar scent86 Chapter 86 Love nest87 Chapter 87 The evil luna88 Chapter 88 The historical union