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THE ELITES: Guardians of the universe

Chapter 3 Land of the uwens

Word Count: 3152    |    Released on: 07/06/2022


system | P

hat looked like a protection against external forces or something like that. The planet had a blurry sky on the inside, with countless golden clouds that gave a space of 2fts from each

were tall, with an average height of 8 fts, and they moved about in the planet, dressed in black leather armors and a red helmet that partially covered their face. They also had heavy black boots on, with thorns around it, and danc

oily surfaces, with a hawk statue on every tower that was placed in view. The Uwei warriors were standing on the tra

it will someday” The captain of the Warriors said, as he kept moving around with both hands gently placed on his back. He had a muscular physiq

n to fill the atmosphere and he wondered what might be going wrong. Their protective energy outside the planet was strong enoug

warriors dressed in black armors,

e in ancient Uwei tongue and this made th

to fight the incoming. Large weapons that had all kinds of energies on them were picked randomly by every sold

he captain said, in an un-arranged acce

e red smokes were becoming much in the clouds, they tightened their grip on

floated out from the opening space behind them revealed to be ''Commander Phylon of Planet Hotull and his Queen; Pamora; Mother to all Minder

and the armies began to leap up into the skies one after the other with fire and lightning

Phylon softly said to the queen, after seein

achine was formed, and that would be Billions of Centuries ago. Most of them may not know

before vanishing, and phylon snapped his fingers again, manipulating the space they were filling causing them all to remain in one position, unconsciously. He felt like exploding them to bits of matters

d back at the Captain who easily exploded it to dusts by twitching his fingers twice. Phylon grinned and the captain drew two mighty swords out of nothing, before charging to attack Phylon, and just like others, he was suspended in the air, not able to move an inch.

so kindly prove that to them.” She said to Phylon who bowed his he

clouds and the armies who were suspended from motion, began to go down one

the captain suddenly went down to the ground, landing on the floor multiple times, but he immediately dragged th

ants of Uwei, with Phylon portraying the complete opposite of her action and this made th

he queen suddenly said, as she noticed the aura of fear around them, causing the

ast the protective field outside th

nterrupted by his queen who quickly prevented him from uttering

y in this star system, and regulators of the cosmic Machine.” She added, crea

in response, and on seeing this, the Uweinians fell on their knees, head bowed

existence and may you reign forever!! Peace to your souls!!” This were the words of

ing them to stop, then he walked forward

ut never seen one of your kind. We demand to be punished

your soldiers to be really sensitives and protective of their Planet.” The queen s

hat do we owe this visit? Am sure your highness had traveled here

oo him right away.” The queen said causin

....” The captain tried to ask, but was inter

or I will do it myself!” Phylon finally said, before t

the captain pointed towards it. “This way your Highness” he said pointing to the opened portal, and Phylon decided to walk in first in order to see where it leads, and as he walked in, he found himself

sion. The queen and the captain walked in also, then the opening that allowed an en

et through spatial-temporal sole breaking

ingdom resides; where other inhabitants of the planets including the Royal family and the Elders live. And lastly, the Void dimension; where we use as a hideout, also where we keep all battle weapons and threats to our kingdoms. The void dimension is linked t

as two other birds landed beside Phylon and



rgy exploded into dots of bright lights before rapidly coming together to form four humanoid beings, dress in black al

warlords suddenly voiced out as he looked a

alling to us. Let the eye be praised” Warlord eiter said as he ke

now. We can't afford to lose the core to them.” Another warlord who wa

ds said before stretching his right

ogether to create a large spaceship that covered the warlords, engines appeared on the ship, flaps and thrusters also appeared, and the whole body of the spaceship was covered with steels that looked quite different from ours, then as the warlords jammed their hands together, a cosmic wind with a st


planets together with the gravity it provided. The warlords stared at the big wide solar system, it arrangement was quite different from theirs and the planets seem

ealthy sun” Warlord eit

sently, and the core would still be in

his plots accurately. I think

've seen them already. We just need to pay them a clear

rlord said before they all vanished and th

RTH | New



iel as one of the bad guys grabbed his shirt pulling him

ly came here for my sister” Daniel begged

you look like a spy. Tell me, which gang do you

get this from? Am just a normal

One of the bad guys chipped in. And they turned t

stop your bullying?” Janet; the waitress

r bizz.” One of the muscular guys s

e gave him a resounding punch on his face, one that made him go out of consciousness immediately, before falling to the ground with b

aring this, the bad guys left Daniel before running away not even caring about the o

u hurt?

Daniel said, ignoring

before she continued, “But this one is new. I have never punched someone that hard before, not t

or Maybe you'll become like PowerMan, w

an actually was... “So how did you get in trouble?” Jan

aid as he pointed at his sister who was

popstar, ohh I get. You want an au

use I want to take her h

you think that she is too cheap for that?” Janet

my sister for crying out loud” Daniel said as he was getting

niel ignored, before marching up

cking a female voice and flora turned, but on seein

tsup?” She said with

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