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The story of Saraya

Chapter 3 The Birth

Word Count: 1146    |    Released on: 08/06/2022


al to kill the Woman in the prophecy and in an unexpected event an event not expected by ever

elders in the area did not know what to call this animal. but according to

chase that strange creature to kill but he did not su


ature was related to what he was looking for until he thought that there was another place they hadn't been to and it was the

he was referring to and they were immediately greeted


ome to know that my wife can't be pregnant

er Bai Hiraya?" Datu Saj

mean woman who doesn't have the strength to

eprived you of having an heir." His b


ed in and told him that he was going to give birth to his beloved woman who was a sla


Raja asks cheerfully but cries

sfully but it was immediately taken away." Babayl


addened to notice that Malaya was crying so much


gone." The Slave said Malaya crying

even if he/she is Dead?" Datu asked for permis

aised on his two palms but a strange bird landed on the baby. A bird

ad only just seen this kind of Bird but they were even more surpr

her." The slave shouted happily as she infor

my friend?" The Woman almost cried the Mot

he is the one granted to me by the lord to Make

pily while taking the baby but their happy day was soon cut short when a Warrior called Dat


re?" The Datu asked the Raja wh

weird baby born in this place?" The

trange baby that is strange in this place." Raja's answer was hesitant

in your words because I know that You are my ally." Ra


irst like to invite you to our little ho

ant them to continue their journey becaus

Raja will grant my invita

n for a short time." Replied the Raja who was immedia


girl they were looking for the Raja notice


ughter Datu Maharlika?" Raja ask

s Bai Hiraya our onl

Smiling Raja said as if

self gave the name to our Princess. Hiraya means G

ome young man whose name is Lakas." Raja al

ear Raja so I want to ask you to get to know o

hat you want Ba

on I agree too." Datu

ch for the food." The Raja said goodbye so the datu and his Wa

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