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Tempest Awakening

Chapter 5 Pilot 05

Word Count: 1196    |    Released on: 10/06/2022

d, driven by Barbie. It engines roaring loud, the highway was

orking for Tempest Inc. Where do we even start? " Micheal

st of them.. ones extre

o Jeremiah before Arabel had them fired... accusing them of a lot of thi

rape then secondly it was about a s

o what th

kylar's place first

are relocating... like seri

This guys about to get

his black power bike. A roof opened up into car. He

They took different roots to

so all the things Arabel accused them of were either true

r 2


st Ma

cheal were busy working

t the lad grabbed his fist and pulled him closer with his own f

eld his cheek maintaining his stance. He was amazed for a moment. Then he unexpectedly shot at her , att


he skillfully dodge them all and stepped on his foot with an aggressi

g room opened with Arabel

ioned her , hugging her. Comforti

and went to t

d Purgatory..

do? " He quest

my helplessness , even threatened t

t pla

ting heavily like they just

barked pointing fingers at Arabel. " She is a demon i

said just enough thank you Very much...

miah don't li

the cops.. also


r 2

k four runner jeep. Driving further and further away from plain sight. Purgatory, a black old man. A

ith a belligerent spin. Halting immediately f

. What th

n't in any from scared of her. instead he stepped down from the car.

est how may

eems so guilty af

brother over the years... why did yo

t her he couldn't control himself h

so fu

her. " Nothing is... but you forgotten your brot

be working for her

tle. He looked her in the eye. " I quitted long ago. Along with Sk

her, the plane he's in is going to an unknown location that of radar ..she even changed

ry info she needed from us. There are lot of things going on that you don't even know Barbie. Trust me i

re m

ches this current location he his heading to. A

hicles engine

ne!. " He quickly

hell is g

ty before they can reach us! so if you don't mind!. " He sta

ck sports car and drove to the side. She pu

as in front of them but his jeep was lacking the speed to keep of their tracks. She did

track with force , the force sent them spinning into the woods result to mass damage and soon an

new the answer to such a

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