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A Man and His Money

A Man and His Money



Word Count: 2592    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

t can I do

utive, run-down establishment, "The St. Cecilia Music Emporium," was not, for certain well defined reasons, in an amiable mood that morning. He had been about to reach down f

ry Mackintosh repeated his question more bruskly; the shadow (obviously not a customer,-no one

somewhat brutal command on the other's part to "shut that d-- door d-- quick, and not let a

ing me?" he asked. The half apo

eved tone something about hot air escaping and coal

ly a definite cognizance of personal uselessness. He who had brightened a moment before now spoke like an aut

!" he sai

and half started from his chair. Whereupon the visitor smiled; he had a charming smile in these moments of c

here, jabbed in another there. The stranger watched him at first casually. By sundry signs the caller's fine resolution and assurance seemed slowly oozing from him; per

ir drooped more uncertainly over his brow; he got up. Th

. "What's your hur

e rather listlessly, as one who had found the world, or its problems, slightly wea

king for work. Why d

. Those big places have

hat would phase yo

ve made rather a mess of it," he c

ne," as if their number were legion-"disappointed me this morning


you s

a wonderful retrospection in his tones-"since I w

have been a long time ago." The visitor did not answer; he pushed back uncertainly the

had led a hard nomadic existence. "Now see here!" Striking a few chords. "Suppose you try this stunt! What's the Matter

he appreciated the humor of his position, did "twitter away"; loud sounds f

's the matter with mother. And if any one says there is-Will it go? With that voice?" He clapped his hand on the other's

e understand," said t

t, eh? Lo

d in large letters: "What's the Matter with Mother? Latest Melodic Triumph by America's Greatest Composer, Mr. Kerry Mackintosh." A little to the left of this announcement was painted a harp, probably a reminder of the one Saint Cecilia was suppos

ked Mr. Mackintosh, playing the piano, o

ed the visitor, "

ht! Anything

d to "back out." Perhaps a wish that the horse might lie down and die at this moment (no doubt he would be glad to!) percolated through the current of his thoughts. That would offer an easy solution to the propos

st from his shoulders a distinct problem, "that does away with

itated. "Horati

im keenly. "The right

you'll get," replied the

owing wink. "Sounds like a nom de plu

t under

serve time for

said the o

With more resp

queried the caller in

enough for that lay,

lways tell by appear

Heatherbloom, after a

patiently. "Would you have any objections," earnestly, "to my making a little addenda to the sign on the chariot of cad

ect," observe

further; I'll paint a few iron bars in front of the harp. Su


together convinced tones. "You could use another alias, you k

p it

s jocular manner. "It's not for me to inquire the 'why,' or care a rap f

e desk and took out the jug. "H

ckly extended but was drawn as suddenly back.

you said that just like a ge

oment ago I was a

ight b

eman's rapt gaze was wholly absorbed by the half-tumblerful he held in mid air. But only for a moment; the next, h




een training down, taking the go-without-breakfast cure? Say,

know I jus

-there's a lot of

d. Close by, nickel palaces of amusement exhibited their yawning entrances, and into these gilded maws floated, from the human current on the sidewalk, a stream of men, women and children

e were no limelights or stereopticon pictures to add to the illusion,-only the disconcerting faces and the light of day. He never before knew how bright the day could be but he continued to stand there, in s

the soul of the boy. Perhaps Mr. Heatherbloom didn't really feel the pathos of the selection; at any rate, those tears Mr. Mackinto

rowd with copies of the song. He sold a few, not many; on the b

omposer when that aggrieved gentleman, jingling

ccustomed to it yet. Once they git to know it, every boot-black in town will be

opsies and 'just gro


t first, but once they git started they'll be fighting for copies

f mask-like faces had rested on a great shining motor-car approaching-slowly, on account of the press of traffic. In this wide luxurious vehicle reposed a y

ery insistent and bright. Upon this patrician vision Mr. Heatherbloom had inadvertently looked, and the pathetic plaint regarding "Mother" died on the wings of nothi

t, the crimson mouth of the beautiful girl tightened and hardened into a straight line and those wonderful starlike eyes shone suddenly wi

iron-rimmed wheels of

ed the piano like

hield his features from the others-his many auditors; but they didn't mind that brief interruption; it

kee! Anybody go

hing syrup

s us wan

r. Mackintosh looke

kless laugh. "Guess it was the dampness. I'm li

ller, do!" said a

the eye. "Maybe it's

; he had seen that look before, the

said Mr. Heatherbloom to the c

a tremolo into his voice; it passed for emotion. He "caught 'em", in Mr. Mackintosh's parlance, and "caught 'em hard". Some more people bought copies. Th

've been a-looking for!

epared to move on. "We'

it a p


hem look like a rainy

ed the bony ribs

ly gazed in the direction the

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