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His lustful revenge

Chapter 3 Mistress

Word Count: 2991    |    Released on: 11/06/2022

as open. The door lock appears to have been deliberately opened becaus

se the door is in fine working shape and the surrounding area is not cluttered. Nothing mo

in and forgot t

I noticed them in a little refrigerator in the ro

gaping in front of the kitchen. Someone

top of a naked woman, and they both gasped as the

ho was there; why hadn’t I noticed it before? It’s the same girl that w

e said worriedly as we stood

to me and said, “What yo

rganized since I didn’t want Rylie to know what was going on. Furthermore

o your room first?” I s

rthday?” I continu

g out the window at the garden. The tears I’ve

uted for her,

lance before inviting

se plants,” she explained, poi

ned to face me, her eyes welling up with sorrow

that we cannot laugh about this. She didn’t provide me any additional exp

plained quietly, “since the restaura

EATING to you mom! Damn CHEATING!” I screaming my I shook her shou

ng time. And finally she

am trying hard to find a way for us to get up and get back the income of our bankrupt restaurant“ Shi

to cheat! Please don’t let him do this to you!” I don’t really know what to feel ri

o know Dad, he wasn’t loyal and faithful

don’t want to guess and side with what I first heard. I want to give them ti

n then. He had other companions, Jonas caught them so they separated, I ran to catch all of Jonas’ even

love? And in the end he and his be

at abo

a way to use someone just to help you forget, I don

It’s your Dads birthday le

going to dine in we’ll celebrate Dad’s

nish something in the restaurant.

know she knows, She knows me I’m not just a cry baby, I wo

I avoided him smelling a woman’s perfume! He didn’t

g straight into his eyes, there was still a trace i

don’t want to ruin his mood just because of this but I also don’t want to hi

sleep on Dad’s shoulder. “I’m just

what he did to make us stupid, and now I despis

other us here on your Father’s

you put up with everything for us!” I said I helped her put away the unwashed d

e out my next move. As the saying goes, keep your enemies closer, and you’

ing consumed by grief right now is simply too muc

alized what was being presented. I flashed my phony smile. I know he’s awa

ake?” From before, h

in a few moments, and I’m sure they’ll be stumped later. I

invited one of your friend. Dad, she presented me with

heard him yell my name again. But I don’t appear to be hearing anyth

that my Dad had given me. Although the design is

side, Dad is waiting

d saying, “You want to play? I’ll show you.” I wasn’t b

? What changed your mind dear?” she raised a br

I pretended to smile.Does it matter if she notices my phony smile? What a

s on my thoughts since she mer

ged my shoulders and motioned her to the last seat close to Dad. We were sitting in an awkward position

om our supply. Almara examined her glass with attention. I didn’t p

and I were both staring at the two. I understand how diffi

each other, we were both still in high school.” A

m voice, Almaras rehearsed grin fading as she feared my mother might shoot at

untidy and filthy when I visited?” I appea

ession on his face. He appears to be

money was gone due to the medicines and hospital costs due to your sick mother-“ s

ough Almara was among us, it was still Dad who was to blame. He’s to blame because Almara i

urprised when

” Almara shoute

his gaze to me.”Forgive me Max,plea

aze remains fixed on Almara. She is presently

who doesn’t appear like a grandmother and isn’t sick? “ Mom drew me closer to her;

ht?” I gave him stupid

know what

e?” Dad whispered to me, kissing my cheek, but

, even though Dad’s cal

He saw you with this woman, he watched you two, and you were both extremely

, please I did

is it to be a cheater? Maybe it’s fun? Or is it a t

oining the ch

ue value of loyalty will never

” I felt myself weakened as I ask for answers. Mom was still by my side and wh

nd promises is but you are like this now! “I said frustrated

He virtually begged for our forgiveness, he said. I was a little disappointed with wha

ce time with her.” I stood up there and said, ‘I’m

r up. She couldn’t walk because she was cry

e care of your brother for me.” Because Da

going?” I can’t wait to leave this place. Wh

, please! “ Dad tried to catch up with us but wa

one nothing. Mom died as a result of a heart arrest. Because

ng to Rylie. Rylie needs a new mother and a fat

dy asleep after wailing so much, so I’d better

e’s gone right now.” I’m so convinced of it; if I hadn’t sent her in fury, I sh

ze was fixed on the bed. I ha

Mom? You are aware that she is ill rig

aid, “I’m sorry, but

don’t love her? Its true that Almara

ake for me but I really love her. E

her? You use my mother to distract you from Almara? But, alas, you are unsuccessful? Did you ever consider why she consent

er; I adored Tantiana, but not as much as Almara.” Now, I’m not saying this not to offend

pain right now. What a jerk! He’s the most self-cent

s? What about Rylie?” I p

eeply and sw

ditures here at home.Max, I’ll also bring

eds you too! He already lost mom dad! I don’t think I can exp

I’m the one pleading

x. I’ll look forward it to both you and Rylie.” He remarked, as if nothing

gone a long way. I have yet to lose to him.

nts for affection. What’s the best way to be numb right

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