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Chapter 2 Too Soon

Word Count: 1923    |    Released on: 13/06/2022

le walked through the doors to thunderous applause. They walked through the crowd and joined the Emperor and Empress at the head table. The Emperor stood and the crowd fe

te. At which I expect to see them visit at least once a year." he announced, "Congrat

ndromeda by the hand and led her from the hall. They entered his chambers. Lady Andromeda looke

It wasn't a big fall so we were concerned. The doctor set my arms and examined me. He told us that my bones had grown very brittle. The slightest roll of my ankle can break it. The slightest tap on my arm can result in a fracture. My body hurts because I have to be so careful that I am unable to perform physical activities with enough vigor and consistency to keep the muscles strong. I am tired most of the time because the pain wears me out." Lady Andromeda explained. Sir Rahael stared at her for a moment. The silence made her look into his face. She just knew his instant regret in marrying her. "Why would no one tell me the truth?" he questioned. " I am not sure why my father would not tell you. I would have expected him to try and use it to prevent me from marrying you. I know that he was planning on selling me to the highest bidder, the shadier the better. He wanted me gone but never to have to deal with me again. The staff w

meda looked at him and studied his face. "I am feeling tired." she admitted. S

as sleeping.Sir Rahael looked at her, "Are you alright with this?" he questioned. "I am wondering if my things were sent." she responded. "What things are you looking for?" he inquir

agreement. Sir Rahael stepped behind her and started to unlace her bodice. He gently removed every layer and tossed them aside. Lady Andromeda stood still as he finished the task. When he threw the last bit aside, he move

as he walked around the bed. He removed most of his clothes along the way. She couldn't help but stare at his broad shoulders, and bulging muscles. Par

me, if I cannot be the wife you should have? Are you sure you wont change your mind about not having children, if I cannot give them to you?" she questioned. "I will not abandon you just because you cannot not sleep with me or give me children. The Gods have sent me you and I will not throw away a gift from the Gods." he responded. She looked at him in shock. "What?" he asked. "You are not at all what I imagined." she confessed. "Let me guess; you see a tall, muscular soldier who has killed so many, that he must be heartless and uncaring." he sighed. "I'm sorry. I really tried not to let those initial impressions affect how I looked at you."she apologized. "You have nothing to be sorry about. I understand. I am not always approachable. Most women are afraid of me because I am tall and brooding. I have never been a social person. I fight monsters. Even grown men seem to be afraid of me." he responded. "My fears do not stem from you and how you look. My fears of you stem from my susceptibility to in

gently captured he

nd. "I am sorry, M'Lady. The Shadow Minotaurs have started to move in and I have to leave earlier than planned." he sighed. "Oh." her face fell. "Do not worry. I will return to you as soon as I possibly can." he assured. Sir Rahael turned to his advisor. "Has the Lady's carriage been readied?" he asked. " It is being readied as we speak. Maids Corrine and Moira are finishing packing the lady's things. They should be here soon to prepare Lady Andromeda for travel." t

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