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A Perilous Secret


Word Count: 2869    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

Walter called she was looking through it at the landscape, and handed i

he, "how co

r drowning, a mile off, with it, and r

. "He is our best friend. Mig

g into any more streams; I am n

d it me, fo

I will, if

ys delighted and surprised. She was surprised three times, and said so, and after that she came to lower her lashes

what was most on their minds. Their soft tones an

The groom fell behind directly. After they had

tifully y

Why, I never had a

t let some cad undertake to teach her, she distrusts herself and imitates the snob. If you coul

d learn

ke you vain, if

ood turn. Come, pray, what do thes

nd saw the poor devil's mouth with the curb and the snaffle at one time. Now you know, Mary, the snaffle is a mild bit, and the curb is a sharp one; so where is the sense of pulling away at the snaffle when you are tugg

that; goddess yo

n a London riding-school. Now you hold both reins lightly in the left hand, the curb loose, since it is seldom wanted, the snaffle just feeling the animal's mouth, and you look right and left at the people

the sentence in action; and with a movement of her body she started her Arab steed, and turned her challenging eye back on Walter, and gave him a hand-gallop of a mile on the turf by t

oked after more sharply. But if she was punctual

lifford, great-niece and ward of Colonel Clifford; very tall, graceful, with dark gray eyes, and black eyebrows the size of a leech, that narrowed to a point and met in finer lines upon the bridge of a nose that was gently aquiline, but not too large, as such noses are ap

hioned courtesy; but as he was disabled by a violent fit of g

ke her a walk in the morning, and a ride in the afternoon. He winced a little under this at first; it kept him so mu

r he asked her beforehand what

d she, "that is not

or a h

unter, i

me the honor to loo

ery kind,

d she selected a beautiful bla

espondingly. "I was afr

ble, I can't r


n the

l, t

aid, curtly, "Too hot and fidgety, miss.

e poor thing is the v

des her the victims," su

rt. But on the road she is impossible. If you make her walk, she is all over lather in five minutes, and she'd spoil tha

hing," suggeste

e fallows till she drops o' week-days. But if she was mine I'd

aid Miss Clifford, c

aid Walter, resignedly.

ad example. Goliah is

e is a giga

of a dead man," s

ou seem hard to please. May I ask wha

when I crosses a horse I looks for a smart trot and a short stepper, or an easy canter on a bit of turf, and not to be set to hard labor a-sticking my heels into Goliah, nor getting a bloody nose e

walk her out of the premises. As she walked her she patted and caressed her, and talked to her all the time-told her they

oment. The mare fidgeted and pranced, but did not rear. Julia slackened the reins, and patted and praised her, and let her

sal, put her straight at the bank, and cleared it like a bird. They had a famous gallop, but this judicious rider neither urged the mare nor greatly checked her. She moderated her. Black Bess came home that day sweating properly, but with a marked diminution of

ch of her habit skirt, or her hand, or the sound of her voice, seemed to soothe the poor nervous creature; and at l

l he was beginning to chafe at being kept from Miss Bart

Will you kindly send

at is going on a



would bring it himself, and tell he

and how his father had deputed him to attend on her, and

id Mary, "I dare say

is," sai


, with wonderful eyebro

me of us men could

nder the Hall is more attractive than th

, reproachfully, "how c


ly. "I never saw you together

ghed at th

o-morrow, if you will bless

be in t

orrow at about ten, and finish your sketch of the tower? I wil

ry was apparently quite

ia rode up, an

Mary Bartley. May I

. What a s

ing, with pensive figure, over a tombstone. Julia took an admirable pose, and Mary, with her quick and faci

id Mary. "She is

hy, she is an ack

e idea! Long

l innocent hospitality, and the obnoxious Julia kissed her

devouring her with his eyes, but did not overflow in discourse, having a sli

ou staying, Perc


is t

t one that was occasionally honored by distinguis

that," said little Percy, wit

what she thought of him; then, anticipating criticism, s

ifully," was Mary

ever knew before that a man could look like fresh cambric. Dear me! his head and his face and his little whiskers, his white scarf

on him. And I shall be free to-How her eyes shone and her voice mell

ced in beautiful things." An

am I thinking of? Y

ore than th

ts, love bea

nce. She was alwa

she was 'a long

before-she l

ford's companion in her many walks, and Walter C

vined that Bartley was robbing Walter Clifford by substituting Hope's child for his own, and she thought the mischi

e game, and saw how the young people were

is room. However, one day he came down, and found Julia and Percy together. She intr

room. He did not come for some time

word was, "Who was that

pooning yo

ercy Fi

g women are full of vanity, and expect to be courted all day long. I will than


n, peaches and fruit and all. They are both to be sold at this moment. What prize? Why

fford look

id he. "Pray don't a

lt again against your father, who has forgiven you, and break my heart, now I a

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