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Chapter 6 Six

Word Count: 1121    |    Released on: 13/06/2022

mpers. Fred barely flinched when he heard Andre's statement, usually they'd remind him "dude stop it, your pops is not dead, stop it man, we hate him as much as you d

e badged princess would it?" Mira said in excitement and dubious tones as she made her way to the center of the crowd, dragging her boyfriend along, with Andre and Fred in their wake. "This is going to be fun" She repeated to Jake and he calmly, nodded in unconcern. Fred and Andre joined the rest of the students at the gathering around the tree stump Mrs. Perkins and Alison Turner stood on. " As you all can see," as if on cue all the students followed the wave of Alison's hands and looked around the camp site, "Alison continued ... the camp site needs a lot of work before we can start camping here, we need to corporate, I need every single student here is obligated to do their duty properly and when assigned to help us go forward." Alison Turner announced, at the top of her voice. " I won't, and I repeat, I will not take any insubordination from any one of you throughout this exercise, I have been mandated by the school authority, represented by Mrs. Perkins here. "I will be glad if you cooperate with me. Understood?" Alison Turner completed her speech and all the students stared at her blank-eyedly, save for her few cronies who clapped and cheered loudly for their Queen. "Understood?" Mrs. Perkins echoed Alison's command and half of the students replied "Yes Mrs. Perkins!" They all chorused save for the too cool for school kids. "You can see this place needs to be worked on so you will be split into groups of seven, we need muscles and precision so you will not be separated by gender, each group shall include both genders, I mean all genders," Mrs. Perkins corrected her statement which sounded like she was of the opinion that there are only two genders that matter. Upon her correction the pro-rainbow and liberal, left wing kids in the crowd began clapping and cheering loudly, mostly from Alison's camp of cronies and their boyfriends. "Yes Mrs. Perkins!" They all chorused again, well hal

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