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Chapter 2 A DARK PAST.

Word Count: 2388    |    Released on: 16/06/2022

guy she ever loved.

word actually meant. Love could mean playing down the slides wit

dad. Because he died in that car cras


nding two weeks at Camp Kiwi, not essentially because it was fun or that she had her best friend, those were all reasons as well but most of

ds the checkin. "Bye Liv" Her mum yellee, but she was already a distance way. It was Alli that t

as her soulmate from far away—Alex, his brown fluffy hair and

rugby boys, jeering and laughing at whatever they found funny. Alli bum

r to long overdue crushes, especially if it was for some straight guy. But

ddle school love story or whatever, unlike Liv who'd just r

ver get over his void dark eyes, with so much mystery yet to unravel and she

she felt the butterflies erupt in her stomach, leavi

a feeling this summer would be different." They

convinced that he didn't even


ations passed away sometime last week due to some health complications"

left a majority of it, alongside his fortunes to me, his son Damien Archer. I'm here to make sure my father's legacies lives on to honor his very last wish. As of today, i would be overseeing the ex

She whispered. "I know Liv, we'd save the eulogies for his funeral" Alli replied. "Good afternoon and have a good day" The cameras

with her legs swinging in the air

rees above her as she sat on the

nd papers blended rightly in her nose. There was a silenc

adphones over her ears and a novel in her

ehind. And she could recognize that scent even if she


sly twirled the edge of her brunette ponytails as he tiptoed. "Hey

secretly pinched into her skin, an attempt to

es amidst the gasps. It was exactly how she envisioned it. Like it happened in the novels. And while a

the evening by the Bay Waterside, what do you say?" He asked again and Liv nodded frivolously this t

n her yellow flowery dress. "Did you hear that Alli?" She shook him, in the

i he

mmer. All i needed was to get those braces out and a glow up man, i got th

Lily" She spoke book language and whenever that happened, All

ds stung his heart like a bee sting and he pushed a lump down his throat. He was ten then, so he had no idea what a s

think Liv kn

Liv" He replied. "It's all i'm saying" He left her standing there, the winds breezing into her yellow dre

e it


tural for her to say. She and Alli paced down the corridors, heading to their

?" He asked. "Being a secretary to someone you alre

e for turning my books over instead of acting like anyone besides himself doe

"I didn't say nothing" He replied unconvincingly before pulling aw

iar about him—" The last part she s


was nowhere to be found. Now, she was in a halter top,

unk of her time in front of the mirror and downing m

he thought

re about to rain and Liv made her way down the strap bridge to the Kiwi fountains and finally she got to

id of any food or picnic mat. Or even Alex. "Alex" She called, pulling a strand

he tower, admiring how well she looked after so

, a drop of water fell into her glasses and slowly, she wiped it off. "Shit" Sh

hanging bucket that hovered above her. And within a second

o the amusement of the people above her. She could hear the jeering, and the laughs as she shivered

she slipped and fell to the ground as well, finding it hard to

was no

hat much attention. God forbid she ever had

it was

eached towards hers. It was Alli. She couldn't bear to look at him, knowing how right he had been. And how wrong she was.

rt. But before they could leave the waterside, there was that scent that filled the air and Olivia was qui

nterested in you?" He threw a question back at her. "You think anyone in their right

could fall to her knees. Lo

the first guy she ever lo


he storage closet. Liv could feel her heart sink into

second and she was unsure why. The thing was, she'd bur

completely forgetting it ever happen

dge of the table as her eyes fell to the ground—his shimmering black boots to

closer, he inched. And when he was close enough, his lips parted to speak. "You were my f

ercome with anxiety the moment their skins brushed

ed to remember him—the la

on back at her. "You think anyone in their right minds would be interested in you?" He jeered and Liv pushed a lump down

ke Ms Wheeler" They scribbled away ju

ort of breath. "Mr Archer" Her lips quivered and he l

call me


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