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Chapter 1 His frightening eyes.

Word Count: 1088    |    Released on: 19/06/2022


Camille?" Ella asked with her han

d here" Camille retor

she stepped into the hall made her feel like some outcast, she wore a pink. gown below her knees that didn't expose parts o

she just stood in a corner holdi

lla asked nervously , she coughed lightly

would come here, you want to surprise him so e

bit nervous," Ella said, biti

talking about her appearance, she heard one say ``''Does this look like princess party "

seat somewhere "C

ing among these people "

u are to have fun and not act like this is s

quor from one of the waiter's

your stress "Camille said smiling, hop

k so this proposal of yours is una

oying Ella ? "Camill

ce me, this place seems too strange an

o a table nearby and. dropped two glasses of liquor." You a

e faile

d in a low voice audible to only her.She gl

la, I must get rid of you and have Jason all to myself. C

she changed her s

ace with or without you" Ella said decisively , she r

k out her phone from her

will back in a few minu

uttered but Camill

ant to. stay in this place alo

en were already staring at her lustfully, Ella kept

footsteps weren't loud. He was handsome ,with sexy dark and deep eyes, his aura was dark and had some sinister and cold feeling attached

hatred in his eyes for them.Being a mafia king to him all women were shameless their dressing , behavior spelt it all.He was about to speak

like other women he had come in contact with, he never spared them a glance but this case

her beautiful , pink dress that suits her

aring. and he sighed.He stared at E

touched or hurt by our boss, poor g


intently , her eyes made contact with his and he wasn't looking away, she didn't like his stare neither the smirk on his face

ought and dialed Camille's number but it was

glass calling the attention of everyone in the hall

ce in the hall and was sh

ment and climbed down the stairs. Jason was about meeting her but

and turned to leave but someo

t, their eyes met but she gazed down immediate

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