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Chapter 1 Ariana

Word Count: 1348    |    Released on: 16/06/2022



g me this early morning? It's too early for this. It took me another ten minutes before I was finally done and walked back

rson that called me a few minutes ago, it was Chloe, my best and childhood friend. Walking over to the dresser, I sat down comfortably and cros

een? I've been calling you

ke you've been calling me and I refused to pi

ng the amusement park and going shopping later?" She asked,

is the last thing on my mind, knowing that I don't want to be frustrated

tion and I sigh briefly. Of course, I need no

one of the most powerful alphas in the whole of the werewolf kingdom, after the alpha of moonstone park. I have an elder brother, Alex, but he's currently in Germany, handling dad's company. Yeah, dad has many companies in more than three countries respecti

it open and run my eyes through the beautiful and expensive-looking clothes hanging in there, but damn! I don't know what to wear. I guess this is

the clothes, I finally pick out a pink crop top and a

I think something is missing, I need to wear a face cap. Walking back to the closet, I pick one out o

ould be by now, having breakfast. Walking elegantly through the veranda, some guards and maids I meet on the way greet me politely an

I hug them slightly and went to

how was your slee

he nods while mom just smile at me. I'm already u

I last hang out with her," I say to father, and he nods while mom glare at him

silently and after we're done, I leave the castle and drive s

chuckle as she hop in beside me in the c

most thirty minutes now. Gosh! You're so annoying

is one of the amazing people I've met so far. She's soft-minded, fun to be with

l her eyes while I

it first?" I ask, not ta

omorrow or another day," She say and I nod, taking the right turn swiftly when I get to the junction. After a few minutes of dri

nd the things we both needed. After a few minutes o

filled the mall and I am force to look in the direction the footsteps are coming from, but I almost freeze as I behold the

'll pay with a card," His sweet voice sound

tly, we only accept cash," The cashier say to him politely and

turn this to the places I picked them from, right? W


ance from him, and that is when I get to see his beautiful eye

n return this to the places I picked them from, I'm not i

o do that, OK? Tha

y and with that, he turn around and exit the mall while I just stand

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