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Angel Of Death System

Chapter 2 How it started

Word Count: 823    |    Released on: 20/06/2022


morning, some people were still sleeping in some part of th

nd down, scrabbling against rough-hewn tops of thin walls, straining

ake place. In the parts of the earth which were still day, journalists started running

ng each other to get out of their way so they could rush home. on that day m

ts of the earth which were already dark, became

t-bellied man said pushing his way out of the crowd of people

girls were dragged into hidden places and raped by boys who think the w

reatures who looked like humans but a finer human with wings falling from the sky, they saw a

e sky exchanging different kinds of powers, some of the winged creatures have 2 wings, some 3 connected to

y also started bringing out their weapons of war, shooting different bullets in the sky in other to kill th

ere trying to do they stopped fighting and joined hands

tured anyone they saw and were re

were all forced out of hiding by the masses and pressure

the red creatures as demons, they narrated their stories of why they came to earth, the world

told the humans that they mean no harm and that if the humans could let

d and a treaty was signed in which all 3 beings

gels and the demons started fulfilling their promise of teaching t

g their ways, they started forcing humans to get marry them, some

ents, while the demons and humans begat Cambion ( half humans-half demon) although all of them resembled humans mor

ears later different kinds of beasts and creatures started appearing on Earth, and to keep the earth i



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