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The Collision of Princess Zhiba

The Collision of Princess Zhiba


Chapter 1 The Encounter

Word Count: 7120    |    Released on: 06/07/2022


he ambiance over him, dangling like a mirage. Its features and form were like a gown— flowing like silk. When the boy tried to scream for help, his whole

still seen— was dangling in the air, bef

ath. Every activities were suspended at once, as everyone was stunned. There hearts race in trepidations, as the being stood aloof— like vapour. And




d illuminate a trailing obscure paths with their intensely glowing eyes— shining like

in these seasons. They'd held a dark mysterious ta

cquire their abilities and the physical characteristics— before dying, after few days. This death was understood by Akuroons to be the tru

entire trunks of trees in the whole forest with the leaves— wh

d. Except Babuu, non among the crew members had ever traveled these paths before. But that was not a challenge for the crew, as they'd

ubts, the crew knew what was coming at that moment; but none of them ran. Zhiba's greyhounds were barking, as the glowing

could realize it, Kabal, her partner was missing, but his clothes were hung loosely in the air by an invincible force. The Abamzyl

y were offered for sacrifices to appease any abominable acts committed in the land; compared to the less, and le

umans had begun a very long time, and it was cordial because they could be easily appeased, directly or throug

uring the night hours, like mechanical vibrators, throughout the entire land— mysteriously

had been sealed up by an invisible elastic band, through some sort of unknown forces. But no one yet knew exact

nt of hope to meet the White Lions Witches. But the futility was certa

ants, guards and devoted warriors, all by her. And they were sa

ew they were under the cover and the protection of a potent charm, giving to her and Kabal, her fiancee... in t

ding an item of sacrifice was more easier than staying devoid of their protection. Konnam empire was defenseless without the spirit of their mothers, w

r people to trod so cautiously with their teraphims to protect them, and pray

hey were pleased with you— and the matters of your life was spotless and free from the contaminations of ev

appearance of persons. They lamented based on facts, figures and history connecting the present, a

k patiently and awaits for the arrival of the rest crew, a

" said Zhiba, with a furry tone. She was sensitive, but this ph

she was just a child and short of sight by standard. And the warriors with her, expecialy Babuu, knew the implications and had

d in some selected places deep in the f

hic means. In this very assignment to enquire and know a thing about the fate of the kingdom, fro

seemed to had hid to what she'd perceived, nor they had

wn this place... right?"

...all being sacrosanct." She stuttered and looked up... upon the hills and down

eling stupid. No one seemed to have an oversight to understand the point to which she was driving at. They'd on

se behind her back— appearing tall by few inches above

lting all manners of trees. Both the dried, wet, long and short trunks were disturbed. Th

had been watching over us... But why Kabal haven't been protected by a

pains in her eyes. But other warriors had showed her no sign of an empathy at all, nor had made an effort to simpathize with her tragic loss

respect for Kabal either! Has he ever hurt anyone of you? Or do you... just enjoy that he's gone?... Do you love your families been hurt by these beings—

forest... the direct position of the mountains, acting more, like two little

se of adaptation has been taken, or compromised through some sort of cosmic powers— just before they could cross over to

dull and had refused to proactive at this moment of need for action. They'd seemed just like any common man: lacking their special abilities to

and smells them; but he could not figure o

lasting search party. Yet, the crew awaited princess Zhiba's orders— either to move on with their m

tches. A boy had suddenly disappeared— living in one of the villages along the

have not been released to the region for these purposes again; and they could be seriously hunting for lives to feed their ever transforming souls. The frames and forms of these beings, just like the mighty warriors... if allowed to be seen at all— by the necked eyes, c

King Zeborh's highest in command— warriors assassin's, looked at Zhiba. He was a very tall man

y above a whisper. Babuu tur

ins the topmost priority of my assignment." Ballak, Zhiba's personal bodyguard lo

e back of her horse. Then Ballak quickly whispered something into the ears of his assistants around him. And just one sound of a whistle blown the directions of the forest—

nd I will do justice to it as you pleas

talk as much. And it requires that they'll travel back to Konnam for approximately eight days by foot; and could

," said Babuu, faintly. But Zhiba acted in reluctance, she was missing the pr

benevolent being. It existence had no beginning and no form. It moves about like the w

ng air along with these dark particles of it's smoke into your lungs. And th

llowed to speak ill about Kiyoda, openly. So children didn't grow up with clear understanding about this being, if not it worship. It was be

d upon by the appointed priests of the kingdom, to mediate a matter that was beyond the p

er head was vendetta, but how could she do it...was the almost impossible puzzle she'll have to solve. And behind

ddle of the air, dropped to the ground about five miles of their journey away from these territories. But let

their number to one third it initials size, just as a result of ensuring the safety of the Princess's life, and which many had alr

gerous, and looks big in stature; but he was very gentle and respectful to the elders, and he had won the heart of the king as a friend dozen times. S

a asked, staring at Babuu intensely with a calmed innocent looks. And there was th

o their dwellings. They don't accept such visits. It's like two worlds apart, and they wish they never exist in the same realm of life, nor share any physical territory

e my princess," Babuu said

as brought me t

she said that; noticing his eyebrows twitched, and the wide nose that gave hi

to me, at one time o

and many of it kind followed thereafter. I was sitting close to my family in the amusement arena, enjoying the biggest fight tournament of

nced, to sink in a second. She looked at him as though

rather been an excited moment of investigation with thrilling effects of excitement. It was the same sad memories of

he first time in my entire life as a royal guard of Konnam empire, that had never felt remorse about the death

e you to weep hard,

so it coming, it was fast and overtook me— just the way you never saw that of Kabals'." Zhiba's eyes at this point let out tears in profusions. She had been try

en if he did, it is assumed that warriors don't care less about the dead that much. They had little or no

Zhiba, sneezing into her armpit to hi

ept grass. No construction activities, except the contiguous niches of a competitive vegetations with tall sparsely canopy trees. It was a green virgin land, sparsely o

h people could afford all these: they relied heavily on foot to get to their destinations. The beast of b

f acquiring wagons, chariots and caravans. They were

nd it can only be compared to the then premittive Europe or America, far back into the eighteenth cent

f his fingers to hi

features of there faces, as the lights fell directly on them. But

hey?" Zhiba as

soul Snatchers of course."

w their exact targeted victims, even before you

e had reached deep into her skull and scratched her brain off

e experienced cunning warrior fighter, would not allow him do it. He'd been able to block her, just before she could tap into hi

assisted warriors around him— as they galloped

ason why they'd chosed to spare my life. The sword that killed my wife, passed through the middle of her chest and pierced h

word cuts the next day. While my daughter was in pains and was left in a state of

of my life, and I buried it in my heart.

n hearing his story. But then, the tragic disapp

common guards to light me up on fire, God forbids. The secret

hidden it from others. And it has been the aught most reasons, why other warriors were dieing on there way home. But Babuu never understo


e across many dangerous terrains and saw a little potions of an inhabited land at the top of a mountain very close to the cliff, full of

erciless to all the trespassers coming into there world. They are called the Akuroons, and th

said, pointing out her finger to the west directions, as she

Attacks were inevitable at night hours from this clan, and it seems to be the perfect hunting hours, and it was most likely that more lives would

lt. But some weren't so much lucky, they were murdered at the edge of an ancient tombs as they walk back home— whil

was strategy to save the Princess from the ambush. Otherwise, her death will mean that they'd automatically been excommunicated from the empire by the king of Konnam, Zeborh. Or worst

As the crew came, they rested along the bank of a river separating them.

close to the riverbank. There knives were cutting the body of a decapitated corpse of a human being. But the guard who saw them, had

see clearly now— that the bloody features, and fingers, indicating hand of an already butchered body, lying motionless on the grou

he west cliffs. They'd used rocks and a few branches for a makeshift camp. Hour aft

op of the hills, and the crew could see the lines of campfires— burning very bright at the peak of the mountains. They could hear the drums bea

y under the fabric awning of her shelter— very close to the ent

st. At this perticular event far back to the earliest rule of her father. That w

t makers, seemed to be under constant attacks by another rival community, outside the jurisdiction of Konnam empires,

out the inhabitants, who'd been trying to claim their ally

but not as usual. They were built along the east boundaries of Konnam empire, lik

rays from entering their shelters. And it appears, that the enemies had chased the

e was outside the frontal parts of the tents, except a man who seemed to be guarding the perimeter walls of the tents. The dense haze hangi

g called Kioyoda. How it had gone ahead of them and breathe out poisonous substance like a d

e perimeter walls of the community, including the forei

d compared the guards reports with a mythological c

be possessed by the su

llings of the soul snatchers." Zhiba thought, her eyes held

d, far towards the opened valleys where the river flows out in high velocity. Then Zhiba and all the warriors came out. Acr

volcanic ash. Everyone waited for death as the volcanic ash spewed suddenly and then turned again into a dark smoke particles,

nothing as such happening around her, as she'd woke up from her dream world— panting. It

Akuroons hill was smoking dark and building a cres

ere to be found. She rushed to each tent sections, looking fo

ast if Babuu and the rest of the warriors cared, they would

e shouted in the jungle

f and stared down. But still, noth

h!... Ahh!.

down the grass. She rushed to meet him. But there was another of his

nd reached out at once to help him up. But the wounded warrior was badly injured, a

rved again, that several deep crimson cuts on his body had showed up, they were still bleeding out f

ned, I need a vital informat

t again with his finger still pointing towards the extre

leading out it perimeters. They were many signs of stampede

n stab, on a motionless body of Akuroon that lay bleeding on the ground. He was alone

u had cut him very deep in his chest, several times with annoyance. He had done that, o

others," she

... along the waterfall."

go and look for th

cliff's bottom. The site of the fall was breathtakingly beautiful. Z

have been fourhundred metres high and above;

of the cliff, it would immediately turn into mist,

ere exactly the rest warriors were. But the more he tried...he instead fell into the awareness of his oath made to the beings like

a shouted at what she

bright— shining like balls of crys

and... it just vanished again." Babuu stiffened, and allowed h

out— Princess. Though, what you're sa

missing warriors have already been executed? Bec

ither be the next or it has been sent to warn us to avoid their territories

arms given to her by her father while in the palace before embarking on their journey. She wo

ed less of such incantations. To him, it was worthless a

loved his wife and his children dearly, and the height of it, was to meet them one day alive

ssible, he'd long to see them face to face again alive, even

omise to the Soul Snatchers, or risk his own life and h

ion." Babuu said,

that exists amongs

hat. But how about the Akuroo

what they

the opportunity of coming any close to where they've inhabited before. The ancestors of Akuroons at one time have given their

e of her voice, that her response did not fit exactly into w

ncluded. But she does acted weirdly and creepy about her questions, feeling littl

loved the spirits of the wild, and they got one very bi

em. But the Soul Snatchers had affected, and infected the way in which the Akuroons think and live their own lives through the manipulations of their priests. So they were messed up and confused by their priests, not the Soul

I have never had this version anywher

But now you know, and the truth will

beings. I guess they'll never truly be free. Except they'll agree again, that their priests are actually their ho

d without them, enemies would have ended their ex

le don't tread these paths t

n wiped out of the face of the ea

ely. And as Babuu walked— he seemed to walk on springs.

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