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I hate that I love you


Word Count: 1039    |    Released on: 10/07/2022

e quickly got my cellphone, he immediately

Paolo asked on the other

nswer, I still tried to snatch the cellphone fr

who are you?" Steven's soft a

n I was happy because I finally got my revenge on him, he

aneta." John Paolo's voice became kind and friendly, o

doesn't Ms. Maricar live i

moment and I could guess why h

that Steven could hear me on the other li

DBYE!" John Paolo didn't even wait for Steven to speak on the other line, he turned off the cal

'm saying about Steven Sarrosa is true?" I glared at him but I s

I won't pay you for a month’s salary.

d followed him

monthly salary? For your information, your daddy p

o give you a salary so it's up to me to decide whether to give you a salary or not. Is it clear? So if

not give in to hi

ing to me that I need to cook for dinner when you knew

ea suddenly shouted in the distance. She se

ghting? I'm deafened by your high vo

stomachs suddenly churned, our intestines almost swelled and that's w

rrassed by the awkward situation while I was thinking of what

eated, I'll be the one to cook because John Paolo and I a

oss and Sofia are hungry." She said befo

were left stand

owards the kitchen when I was suddenly

food delicious because the whole fa

t I was completely shocked by. I turned to

rd true or am I just

John Paolo replie

ect to hear from him. I like to think I’m mimicking and deaf because maybe later it’s all just a dream but it’s not. John Paolo was read in asking me to cook a delicious dish for dinner. My heart began to pound and my whole body tr

led a

se and talk in a calm soothing voice, you'r

calm voice, my happy moments were shattered aga

you cook and

k to normal? What did you s

tery you won't cook so do you want to be eaten alive? Re

rd heart, as hard as a rock and even if I use a bulldozer, I will

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