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Chapter 2 ESCAPE

Word Count: 2834    |    Released on: 26/06/2022

It was dad he had followed me. Maybe he wanted to sco

t mean to hurt you this much but you have made

his world could provide. I am your father, protecting you from any

woman who told her that she will give birth to a beautiful girl child and that that

was and still is incredible so we decided to raise you and not letting you

my anger but I know you are innocent since you didn't

t's why I have shared this with you so that you can always think abo

ut the stranger woman's words to my mom, I became so attentive to get it all

trying to scare me so I can

this if all this is a lie? I kept ask

pered in my that what

kept quiet for a moment waiting for the voice of the unknown person to reply to me but it never did.

was bothering me since she knew nothing about my tattoo and how I got it. I knew she wouldn't keep it a se

ers from my mom. I knew if all this is true, she will tell me eve

t's the matter?" Mom asked

like a prisoner mother. Am I not like other people? Why

e everything. I wasn't surprised when she told me t

and as for me I kept questioning them eve

strange feeling. Something was forcing me to say sorry to my

e this house like a prisoner. I didn't know you were doing all this to save me from meeting with the devil's son. You are

We kept the truth from you thinking you would be shattered after hearing this sc

e went to our be

friend Bat. This time he wasn't alone, he was with a very tall and giant old

ing me at all since these guys could flutte

with and why are you chasing me like this. You know am now scared of both

eyes, I was

"I comforted myself but I was st

couldn't find sleep. Maybe I have s

u can't run any longer. You have to accept your destiny and welcome it willingly my dear. That's al

ell me." I asked the voice forgetting that

me. It was my stupidity to think it

ly till morning but whenever I recalled about the dr

d then thought what would happen if father gets to know about this, due to much fear I continued to keep it with me. I

rapped in a towel after a shower in the morning. Unfortunately

ecause I had only covered

om, the moment I entered, she saw the t

's that I have just seen?" She asked

do anything. I started to panick because I knew trouble has com

on your back?" Mom ask

ave what to say. I

" She was really angry wit

st me please." I cried when I noticed sh

s is impossible and I can't believe you

moment I felt so much pain in my back, the tattoo was itching so

t have ears to hear anything." I kept quest

s. I couldn't believe my eyes so I went back to my washroom where there a

think right but my mind reminded me I was still h

came in and told me to cover my b

ding before my mom, after a moment,dad entered in w

back right now

th my towel. I was imagining how rough he would be to me afte

the towel on my back. I stood ther

bat on her back a few minutes ago. I can't believe i

g. Have you lost it

elling the truth but I had no choice but to

ne things here." My mom tried to stick to her words but d

pened. I guessed my mom was also fi

ppened. I told her I knew I had a tattoo on my back but I didn't

by myself. For sure the tattoo wasn'

I fell asleep and got into a dream. I s

disappeared all of a sudden. I remember I told

how your mom was heartbroken after seeing your tattoo and then guessed she might tell your dad about it and bring trouble to you. You are my bes

m because I really wanted to see my friend Bat beca

deed there hanging from

der. I didn't bother to brush it off because I had missed it

and carried it in my arms,

y saved

in my room

oom. Maybe it has gone back to the jungle, I thought

care of itself so I didn

aw my tattoo. I felt happy to see it again. I loved it, not because it was magical

d it disappear last time. All I want

be blamed for her sickness but my luck was that dad never be

also have no idea how all this happened and why. And am sure you know I can't do something like

at tattoo disappeared all of a sudde

esitation. My tattoo was still ther

e back?" My Mom wondered. I saw I was making her

prepare meals sin

repare Chinese rice." What's wrong with you my darling daughter, is anything bothering you? Am sure this isn't you because the real you

r." I helped her

st her illusion."she said reaching the knife that was in

real daughter?" Mom asked h

r. It's me Artie, yo

o something to prove it was the real me but how since she had me in her arms already. I then remembered something. We used to blink our eyes

ill can't believe what am seeing. How did

an't you find something else to talk about

ur tears and fa

me. This is going to be the last time for you to talk about

rough my heart. I felt I was done for w

ting for Dad to scold me but he didn't. I thought that maybe my tattoo has again disap

hat has happened to both of you?"I cried as I

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1 Chapter 1 LIFE IN THE JUNGLE2 Chapter 2 ESCAPE3 Chapter 3 TOMORROW'S MY WEEDING4 Chapter 4 WEDDING!5 Chapter 5 AT MY IN-LAW'S HOUSE6 Chapter 6 DREAM7 Chapter 7 THE TRUTH8 Chapter 8 REALLY 9 Chapter 9 LONGEST NIGHT10 Chapter 10 MY BLOOD!11 Chapter 11 YOU'RE NOT MY FATHER!12 Chapter 12 MY SHADOW13 Chapter 13 MIKE14 Chapter 14 LOOKING FOR MOTHER15 Chapter 15 ARTIE IS DEAD!16 Chapter 16 ANU'S REMARRIAGE17 Chapter 17 SAY YOU LOVE HIM18 Chapter 18 COOKING COMPETITION.19 Chapter 19 REGAINING MY MEMORY.20 Chapter 20 DAD'S MESSENGER21 Chapter 21 OH NO!22 Chapter 22 ARTIE IS PREGNANT.23 Chapter 23 SWALLOWED UP IN A SWIMMING POOL24 Chapter 24 ANU'S GRANDPA, NIKKI25 Chapter 25 SMITH IS MISSING!26 Chapter 26 SKELETON!27 Chapter 27 HELP ME28 Chapter 28 PEMA'S CURSE29 Chapter 29 ARTIE IN THE MERMAID'S TUMMY30 Chapter 30 MIKE TO MARRY 31 Chapter 31 THE MARK32 Chapter 32 I DON'T BELIEVE YOU33 Chapter 33 STOPPING THE WEDDING34 Chapter 34 TRAGEDY35 Chapter 35 NOBLE IS DEAD!36 Chapter 36 I CAN'T DO THIS37 Chapter 37 ANU KNOWS EVERYTHING!38 Chapter 38 MIKE WANTS REVENGE39 Chapter 39 WHERE'S EVERYONE.40 Chapter 40 OH NO! IT'S TIME.41 Chapter 41 WHERE'S OUR SECOND SON 42 Chapter 42 DON'T DARE KILL MY BABIES!43 Chapter 43 IMPOSSIBLE!44 Chapter 44 TWO ARTIE(S).45 Chapter 45 BATTLE46 Chapter 46 GRANDMOTHER47 Chapter 47 BREAKING THE CURSE 48 Chapter 48 HARD DECISION49 Chapter 49 SMITH'S IN COMMA50 Chapter 50 FINALLY MANI IS BACK51 Chapter 51 LOST MEMORY52 Chapter 52 MANU53 Chapter 53 WHO'S AFTER MY BABIES AGAIN54 Chapter 54 MISS CUCU55 Chapter 55 MY SON'S56 Chapter 56 MISSION57 Chapter 57 THE TRUTH58 Chapter 58 ANU 59 Chapter 59 HOW COULD YOU60 Chapter 60 ANU'S MOM61 Chapter 61 THE SPELL62 Chapter 62 AT THE SEA63 Chapter 63 A GIRL64 Chapter 64 WAITING FOR THEM65 Chapter 65 MEET CARLOS66 Chapter 66 ALONE67 Chapter 67 MIKE'S DAUGHTERS68 Chapter 68 HAPPINESS ABOUNDS69 Chapter 69 WELCOME HOME70 Chapter 70 POSSESSED71 Chapter 71 DAD'S DEATH (ANU IS A NEW KING)