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The Trouble Academy

Chapter 2 Last day

Word Count: 2063    |    Released on: 26/06/2022


essor who doesn’t even discuss a lesson on the entire semester but give a lot of projects to work and finish on the given due date. Hello, we are not even robots just to compile all the assessments and proposal to work given to us either by group or individual which to pass it on the deadl

nd done with this hell semester. Road to our last two semesters. What's the point of going to a class when there's no professor but have the guts to give loaded activities without any further explanation for the given instruction? Anyway, we're always

to survive in this hell semester until you graduate. Here I am laying down on a grass with my girls while trying to think any thoughts when it pops up to my mind what food to eat right now. Being president o

hat, no matter what I eat, I never get fat which I don't know why. Also, even after I eat, I end up feeling hungry

ak, tapa, samgyupsal, cordon blue, ice cream (all kinds of flavor), pizza, pie apple, barbeque


ta, crab, meat, pork, lasagna. There's a floating meal in front of me.


f, spam, bulgogi, fries, burger, big chi

u thinking right now? We been calling you, but you’re not paying attention" I should have ea

de of your mouth" I touch my mouth, oh she's r

n like we already eat a while ago

t tell it to their self and it's already making embarrassed that t

e we goin

this time "Can you at least try to stop your craving as of now?" I just smirk at Michelle who always

er. Wait, do we have a plan? Which I don't remember anything at all because the only t

n't feel like doing anything else than eating. L

e a minute to think everythin

e forgot" l

ot what plan they are talking about. Do you have any friend who planned everything but forgo

transferring??? Did I plan that? Loading on my mind.......50%..........When lovely snapped a finger and that is the time, I r

mber" Alexis

n to four academies just to experience differe

ed to worry. At least, road to graduation but in different school" I said to them

s go shopping" I can really hear the excitement on lovely's

Like I’ve been scrolling down here on my phone where to eat”

thing I want to keep. Do you have a friend who is pretty and photogenic even no matter what she looks like? Well, me, I do and

eef?" I said and I kno

t to go to the cafeteria but someone approached us

and say thank you to her, but she just ignored us and left immediately. She's kind of rude and never

ely whisper and I hold her hand tight to lower

an see it on her eyes how sad she feels but not even sure yet somehow, we already made up since it's the last

ith a sad tone. Don't worry, we will surely do that and what could possibly go wrong to our last year of col

rt soon" We went out of the office. Surprisingly, there's a lot of students in front of the office. Like wow, we couldn't even get

t's like a mall full of shopper in each store. One thing I noticed is t

QUEEN BAND" this made me cry and therefore I love

tarpaulin?" Michelle said with wide eyes because we still can't beli

t of it" Lovely said when tears are falling out of her eyes and Michelle is crying with joy. I can't stop smil

President" "We love you Auditor and Secret

is, makes me feel even sadder. "How do you like the surprise girls?" couldn't ask f

ts went here and hey we're on the middle. Everyone is already having a smile on their faces. "In 3......2....

go eat first because I'm hungry" Michelle said to her "Okay fine, as you say so" lovely immediately pull us so


ll looking for it. When every time Alexis smile and it's kind of weird and funny, I don't know while Michelle is listening to a music and lovely is excited to go out of shopping again. Here I am, thinking of what to

s is

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