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The Prince's Night Wife

Chapter 2 Mother!!

Word Count: 1725    |    Released on: 27/06/2022

ve been using for years. I lay down there suddenly still, will mother die? If she

take to your herbs

ot sound signifies that she is gone so I took my herb, my heart

into the building with me in the bag that she tied around her neck and chu hua beside her hugging her legs b

rt has been a nig

y me, I wonder how it will be like to be among them celebrating wi

and lock the door from the outside and left without saying a word, truthfully we are used to mum getting

er and I know Chu hua is at it now but I ca

ead to the other side, I have been hiding it for years now, witho

ould th

gdĂŹan (

so what right does a concubine daughter have?" The se

age of our royalty I think she is right

senior wife Eu FĆ«nh says interrupting the conversation. "The pe

be a legal wife of the king on reign, she acts like the most modest and she is unusual

s mischief in the palace" Queen

ecause the first senior wife thought of you like that to

uiqing's. Even if her story destroys her we are no way co

s queens and wives right

s queens and wives right c

an make your wishes now and they will co

that I Guan yin

ly" Dia-xia say already settin


plies has been scattered on the floor and mum and Chu hua are no where

nd Chu hua never goes missing with her but I have prepared for any

I don't know how I look like or who I look like


outside the palace, I snuck in the palace when I thought the royal families have gone to

softly trying no

o even have a gut" Queen Dai-xia

ss. It won't happen again." M

ok, she looks like a queen and her dressing i

ther dressed woman ask

her questions and loo

ng in the

amilies than the king and queen. There is a king seated and four queens on his two


ation made me

the waterfall stand there look

second senior wife Dai-xia tell

ething bad might happen but I n

day calling me a concubine's daughter

are you to Huiqing?" The

for air and the grips on me is too tig

o move everywhere, the silence signif

even have a daughter for an

nd am not a bastard. " I shout ba

shout at me, g

her command to be carried out, I frown at all the royal bloods they are all cruel they ca

the royal families. As the knife was raised up I close my eye

reborn and kill

SENSE!" Chu hu

at my front in her blue dress and I loo


arate. How troublesome you royal families are. Your peopl

?" Queen Dai-

highness, I am Chu hua and a medicine gra

o you

, I am capable of saving your life

ed the within a second doesn't means that you

rdon me but had you

ce stands up and

of water which was with me, she rush the water and choke on i

ot suppose

n her own, I gape at mum unbelievabl

are already on their feet watching this drama, even more guards has been sent for, accordi

rince Wang Lei says pointing at

pt your chal

watch as it landed on the floor and slowly mum's body falls down,

it, he has this amazing talent of jogding knifes and turn to slaughter my head just


see through him but now the tigeress has been

n eye for

meone announces "The third prince i

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