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African Camp Fires

African Camp Fires


Chapter 1 THE OPEN DOOR.

Word Count: 1609    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ich I am not. Of course all hotels are interesting, from one point of view or another. In fact, the surest way to fix an aud

ves-sur-Mer and at Mont St. Michel-whole books have been written. These depend for their charm on a mingled gift of the unusual and the picturesque. There are, as I have said, thousands of them; and of their cataloguing, should one embark on so wide a sea, there could be no end. And, again, I must for convenience exclude the altogether charming places, like the Tour d'Argent of Paris, Simpson's of the Strand,[1] and a dozen others that will spring to every traveller's memory, where the personality of the host, or of a chef, or even a waiter, is at once a magnet for the attraction of visitors and a reward for their coming. These, too, are many. In the interest to which I would

n); that its head waiter is sadder and more elderly and forgiving than any other head waiter; and that its hushed and cathedral atmosphere has been undisturbed through immemorial years. That is to be expected; and elsewhere to be duplicated in greater or lesser degree. Nor in the lofty courtyard, or the equally lofty halls and reading-rooms, is there ever much bustle and movement. People sit quietly, or move with circumspection. Servants glide. The fall of a book or teaspoon, the sudden closing of a door, are events to be remarked. Once a day, however, a huge gong sounds, the glass d

he North, where is home, or the way home for many peoples. And since the arrival of ships is uncertain, and the departure o

anguidly; the ordinary piercing and dominant English enunciation has fallen to modulation; their eyes, while observant and alert, look tired. It is as though the far countries have sucked something from the pith of them in exchange for great experiences that nevertheless seem of little value; as though these men, having met at last face to face the ultimate of what the earth has to offer in the way of danger, hardship,

the newcomers follow him. They fall silent; and their eyes, under cover of pulled moustache, furtively glance towards the lean man's companions. Then on that office falls a great silence, broken only by the occasional rare remarks of the quiet men with the cheroots. The youngsters are listening with all their ears, though from their appearance no one would suspect that fact. Not a syllable escapes them. These quiet men have been there; they have seen with their own eyes; their lightest word is saturated with the mystery and romance of the unknown. Their easy, matter-of-fact, everyday knowledge is richly wonderful. It would seem natural for these young-young men to question these old-young men of that which they desire so a

to bring. And have given in exchange? Indifference, ill-health, a profound realization that the length of days are as nothing at all; a supreme agnosticism as to the ultimate value of anything that a single man can do, a sublime faith that it must be done, the power to concentrate, patience illimitable; contempt for danger, disregard of death, the intention to live; a final, weary estimate of the fact that mere things are as unimportant h



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1 Chapter 1 THE OPEN DOOR.2 Chapter 2 THE FAREWELL.3 Chapter 3 PORT SAID.4 Chapter 4 SUEZ.5 Chapter 5 THE RED SEA.6 Chapter 6 ADEN.7 Chapter 7 THE INDIAN OCEAN.8 Chapter 8 MOMBASA.9 Chapter 9 A TROPICAL JUNGLE.10 Chapter 10 THE SABLE.11 Chapter 11 A MARCH ALONG THE COAST.12 Chapter 12 THE FIRE.13 Chapter 13 UP FROM THE COAST.14 Chapter 14 A TOWN OF CONTRASTS.15 Chapter 15 PEOPLE.16 Chapter 16 RECRUITING.17 Chapter 17 AN OSTRICH FARM AT MACHAKOS.18 Chapter 18 THE FIRST LIONESS.19 Chapter 19 THE DOGS.20 Chapter 20 BONDONI.21 Chapter 21 RIDING THE PLAINS.22 Chapter 22 THE SECOND LIONESS.23 Chapter 23 THE BIG LION.24 Chapter 24 THE FIFTEEN LIONS.25 Chapter 25 VOI.26 Chapter 26 THE FRINGE-EARED ORYX.27 Chapter 27 ACROSS THE SERENGETTI.28 Chapter 28 DOWN THE RIVER.29 Chapter 29 THE LESSER KUDU.30 Chapter 30 ADVENTURES BY THE WAY.31 Chapter 31 THE LOST SAFARI.32 Chapter 32 THE BABU.33 Chapter 33 OVER THE LIKIPIA ESCARPMENT.34 Chapter 34 TO THE KEDONG.35 Chapter 35 THE TRANSPORT RIDER.36 Chapter 36 ACROSS THE THIRST.37 Chapter 37 THE SOUTHERN GUASO NYERO.38 Chapter 38 THE LOWER BENCHES.39 Chapter 39 NOTES ON THE MASAI.40 Chapter 40 THROUGH THE ENCHANTED FOREST.41 Chapter 41 NAIOKOTUKU.42 Chapter 42 SCOUTING IN THE ELEPHANT FOREST.43 Chapter 43 THE TOPI CAMP.44 Chapter 44 THE UNKNOWN LAND.45 Chapter 45 returned the next day from V.'s boma, bringing more potio and some trade goods. We sent a good present back to Naiokotuku, and prepared for an early start into the new country.46 Chapter 46 THE ROAN.