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Rebirth Of Anushka

Chapter 2 Meet The Sex Freak

Word Count: 1283    |    Released on: 01/07/2022


he Sex


ding my look; I knew she was

r Shanaya?" Reeva

r her presence in the of

chool as soon as possible now; who kno

friend held my hands, stopping me, and she asked with a smile, "W

way, just trying to stretch my legs, you know I hate standing in a par

right now at his office; you know how

not get him angr

m here right now; why is sh

s is starting in a few minutes from now," my lo

maybe after you finished with Mr Tom, you

tting her, an

together, and don't argue this with me, except you want

t just know I will get back at you on this", Reeva said, walki

th them, checking around constantl

eft my body immediately only to

iversity; maybe they plan

tant from them; she rolled her eyes and

good at threat,"

e and not Reeva, which means we both can't go in, so I begged m

le prayer bef

I said, bowing down my

" he yelled at me, a

r," I st

g hard, and I wonder if

r look right now; I should ha

g at this crucial moment when I h

is Shanaya and not Sha

t even pronounce my name properly. It's no

" he kept making bl

w why you sent it for me" I was becoming so depleted with him calling me num

rs team this weekend to help those in need and do some tal

my CGPA; that means my dream is just a resul

hout even asking w

where now cause it is not too late

h that place from people mouth in school; I need

g about the region in one of my series dreams;

I came out, and Reeva asked, "What did he say?" I just burs


want is already in your

led because I am going t

ting, and she wasn't looking so bad at all

ce," she

rip," I o

ff her clothes witho

well, and I got attract

l before me while I

ream that anyone I love dies before my arrival, and I don't sex twice with a pa

e called India sex prince, men hide their wives from you, which means yo

n, suck my hug

cking a lollypop sweet, I felt the pleasure in it, and I got v

eady telling me

e moaned her out so loud, and I started digging her so fast

r after great

with an American lady since I a

d best friend called

ss you are in for anoth

this time ar

the last wife; why didn'

ment; she slept with me an

k, get ready for some

y friend, I he

ve something to do for fathe

et some cum; why not tell y

e punk", I


ds, what do you

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