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Wolf's Lover.

Chapter 3Ā Troubled morning

Word Count: 2119 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 02/07/2022

human, but a werewolf. Last night was my worst nightmare, I couldn't believe I slept with a werewolf. Elias

llous. The morning weather is cool and comfortable. I got out of bed after a night of being bullied by Elias, walked into the bathroom, I looked

as of today. While I was changing clothes, I don't know when Elias appeared. When I looked over, I saw him looking at me with malicious eyes. I jumped in

hest with my hand and

pervert... how dare y

ing out there because he had successfully p

ed to see. Do I need

.. hol

aked in front of Elias, my face was indescribably hot at that moment. It's also my fault, I should have closed the door. But it has

I saw him leaning against the column, the smile on his lips was reminding me that he had seen it all. I looked at E

you to tel

gged proud

se can

t him, quickly patted his ch


you?" Elias

right. E

teps, my wrist was grabbed by him. Elias pulled me backwards so that I could

dy is be

, or is it deliberately not understood? Obviously, I told him not to mention this. I

u're a godda

h school student, and I'll be a year away from graduating. My school is located not far from

he birds singing on the branches again. I was enjoying the peaceful feeling in the early morning until the name Elias came to my mind. Speaking of him,

ion to when my boyfriend ā€“ Mike had appeared. Mike

e you thinking?

me talking to Mike about everything that was going on around me. Not only is it difficult, but I am afraid that w

idn't answer, M

o you? Why didn'

my head and r

't worry about

at me with a ske

u reall

My table is at the left end of the row, while Mike's is at the end of the row on the right. Although we didn't sit together, Mike still cared about me often. Sitting down on the chair, I quickly put my fac

ed my forehead, my head is now aching non-stop. The whole class stood up seriously when they saw the teacher from outside, I was no exception. Looking

n. After settling in his seat, th

udent transferre

Just a few seconds later, I couldn't believe my eyes. Th


male students talking. I froze as if I couldn't believe the image in front of me. Elias just introduced his name, I looked at him, and he seemed to be looking at me

to my side. He sat next to me, and as soon as our eyes met, Eli

re you

ugged and

y n

s is my

leaned closer to me a

ll be me. You don't want to sudd

uld escape Elias's control, but I didn't expect him to follow me all the way to school. I feel that my later life at school is bound to be very dramatic. As I turned

ext to me in horror, as if beggi


ed out of the classroom. Personally, I still sit in class. I'm perplexed right now because things are happening so fast that I can't control them. At the same time

ink about the mess in my head. Not long after that, a clas

hting with the new transfer s

he place where the fight was taking place. I followed my classmate running out to the schoolyard, and saw that very close by, there was a group of students surrounding as

f course, he didn't know how scary E

my girlfriend."

ng, Elias just looked

rather no

n animal weaker than himself. Mike waved his hand to hit Elias, but before he could, he was beaten to the groun

.. stop

han Mike, I know he can kill Mike with one punch. Right after that, I didn't say anything but grabbed Elias's hand and dragged him away. Maybe Mike wa

me. This is only you and I know, Mi

n the wall to clamp me in the middle. Elias bowed his head, his

is Mike?" Eli

other way. Elias's face was so perfect, I felt myself sh

kay. If he wants to avoid dieing, tell

all loaf of bread and milk. He handed it to me, then quickly turned

at did you

ound, he just waved

g, but you went to school. I was afraid you w

ch going on this morning, it was troublesome. I looked at the br

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