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The Ugly Secretary Became The Billionaire's Bride

Chapter 10 Ten

Word Count: 1024    |    Released on: 16/07/2022

death of your father, I felt like I was going to die, losing my only son and child. However, I overcame it just the way you would, okay?" Nadine nodded her head. Her grandmother's hazel eyes looke

ty was an influential one. They were mainly rich people at the party and some of them were either rude or too demanding. Nadine hated the lifestyle of the rich, some of them are so rude. She was thankful that she met mostly the nice ones. Nadine reached a table, she placed the bottles of wine and appetizers before them. A woman in silver clothing thanked her, she picked up the tray and set to go but was suddenly held back by someone. "Nadine?" The woman called. Nadine looked at the woman who had held her. She was shocked to see her mother-in-law at such a party. Nadine seemed to have forgotten that Nathan was now rich after fucking Kate, meaning his mother would be rich too. "Mother-in-law!" Nadine exclaimed. Clara rolled her eyes at Nadine, how could she be so stupid to address her like that in front of these people. "I didn't know you are back." Clara talked under her nose, she didn't want anyone to suspect that she had some relation with Nadine. She dragged Nadine away from the table to a quiet place with fewer people. "Nadine, why did you come back? And why did you come here? Did you come here to disrupt Nathan and Kate's engagement party?" Clara's eyes changed to that of contempt, she placed her hand on her waist; carrying herself like she was the Queen of England. Nadine's eyes dilated at the news she got from Clara. Engagement party? Does this mean that she came to work as a waitress at the party of those who had offended and cheated on her before? Humiliation washed Nadine quickly, she was losing. She knew she could never win, after all, she was a pauper and the rich always win against the poor no matter what. "Nadine,

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